Monday 22 April 2024

Exploring :: Dorothea Quarry

Hi there everyone πŸ˜€

In line with the final push on my ‘50 Things to do before I am 60’ project I am trying to make sure that we explore as many new places and experiences as we can on our visits to North Wales.

During our Easter visit we managed to visit a couple of places that we hadn’t been to before … starting with the Dorothea Quarry.

We have already visited the Dinorwic quarry at Llanberis and the Penrhyn quarry at Bethesda and were looking forward to seeing what we might find at a quarry that was just a little further off the beaten track.

Whilst they can be dangerous places to explore, if not sensible, Martin and I both find disused quarries absolutely fascinating and strangely beautiful.

We knew that to see anything of the Dorothea quarry would involve a bit of a walk and we managed to find a roadside parking spot in Talysarn. It seemed quite a popular spot with plenty of dog walkers coming and going so we guessed we were in the right place.

We headed off towards the quarry along the very well defined track … dodging the puddles and the mud …
There were certainly plenty of points of interest along the way with the first being a smaller pool on the left hand side of the track, which we spotted through the trees …
We carried on along the track …
… and soon spotted some old buildings through the moss covered trees and couldn’t resist having a bit of a closer look …
A bit further on and we hit the old gates to Talysarn Hall …
… which was definitely looking ripe for renovation …
Once past the hall the path follows the edge of the quarry for some really good views …
We carried on as far as the parking area for the diving pier, which isn’t accessible by car for members of the public, before pausing for a bit of a breather …
I think we were probably just short of halfway round but decided to retrace our steps, rather than carry on as we weren’t quite sure how far there was left to go …
It was a really lovely walk on a lovely day, with plenty of gorse and blackthorn (I think) blossom to be seen …
… with spectacular views …
Next time we might take the footpath away from the main track to see if this might take us around in the opposite direction … as I believe there is still plenty that we didn’t get to see this time …
From the quarry we drove up through the mountains … it really was the most glorious day …
We ended up in Y Felinheli, where we had our car picnic overlooking the Menai before having a bit of a wander …
We’d had a really lovely day and definitely made the most of the sunny weather. We’d explored somewhere new and managed to avoid any Bank Holiday weekend crowds … just the way we like it πŸ˜€


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