Monday 3 September 2018

Joy in the Everyday Ordinary - August, 21-31

Hi there everyone πŸ˜€

Well, here we are at the beginning of September and there is definitely a sense of Autumn in the air, though I am hoping we haven't seen the last of this glorious summer that we've had this year. I'm not quite ready to put away my sandals and summer tops just yet.

There has been plenty going on in these last days of August, though we have managed to kick back and have a few lazy days too, which are always a welcome treat.

It's the time of year when we start thinking about what we want to get done before the weather turns and we start our winter hibernation. There's lots to do in the garden, though we are making the very most of the last pops of colour and are loathe to empty pots and baskets whilst there is still life and colour to be seen. 

Before we start cracking on with all of that though, here is what made me smile over the last week or so of August ...
Day 21 - Martin was off and we had a busy and productive day. He took up the stair carpet, in readiness for a new one to be fitted later in the week and I made nine of these cute little birdies, to re-stock the craft stall. I made a batch earlier in the year and they have been pretty popular. Originally they were made as pin cushions, but I think people are buying them just because they are so cute πŸ’œ
Day 22 - I got to spend another one of those lovely chilled out and relaxing days with an old friend, courtesy of the National Trust. This time we visited Snowshill Manor in The Cotswolds, followed by a mooch and lunch around Broadway. It was another lovely, lovely day πŸ’œ

Day 23 - Now I know this is not the most inspiring or colourful of photographs, but we are in the process of having our lounge, dining room and hall, stairs and landing carpeted. We had all of the decorating done last year and have only just got round to choosing and having carpet fitted. Last week the lounge was done, this week it was time for the stairs. We have gone from having a runner up the centre of the carpet to full width and we both just love how it looks and feels. It's so soft and thick underfoot and ... no more scrubbing the paintwork at the sides of the carpet ... Yay!!!
Day 24 - It was Friday and we spent the majority of the day just having a general tidy up in the garden in readiness for a BBQ with friends on the Saturday. Whilst there was plenty to be cut down there is still a fair amount of colour, especially purple for some reason πŸ’œπŸ’œπŸ’œ I bought this agapanthus four or five years ago and it always does really well. As it's done so well I've always just left it in the pot I bought it in and last year it had about 15 flower spikes. This year, though they are beautiful, there are only five, so perhaps it is time to split and re-pot. I am aiming to do this once it has finished flowering, but will certainly be on tenterhooks next summer seeing what effect it will have had. Wish me luck πŸ‘Œ
Day 25 - Big BBQ day!! Weather was not good all day, with rain showers on and off. The cushions were out, then back in, then out again. Luckily the last rain shower was at about 3.30pm, so we did manage to spend the evening outside. There were eight of us so it would have been a bit of a squeeze to fit us all inside and that would have left Martin outside cooking by himself. We spent the evening chatting, eating and drinking and adding layers as the evening progressed. Jackie brought dessert and it was spectacular πŸ“πŸ“πŸ“
Day 26 - Sunday and it rained all day. We had a lovely chilled out day, eating leftover BBQ and cheesecake and watching a film. The best thing though, that absolutely melted my heart, was a video that Alison sent us of Bobby. We spent a day out with them at Statfold Barn Railway back in July, where we went on a train. Alison had told us that ever since then every time he sees a train he says 'Carol and Martin'. I wasn't sure that I quite believed it, but she sent us a video clip of him playing with a picture of a train and when asked 'who's on the train?' his response, as clear as day, was 'Carol and Martin, Carol and Martin, Carol and Martin'. I must have watched it a hundred times. Just too cute for words is this little monkey 🐡🐡🐡
Day 27 - Bank Holiday Monday and we didn't leave the house. Jackie brought me these flowers on Saturday and they look gorgeous on the dining room table. The stocks smell beautiful too. 
Day 28 - After a few lazy days at home, we spent the day out and about shopping, having lunch and mooching round garden centres, where I managed to stock up on some easy holiday reading. It was a Tuesday and even though I've been retired for four years now, it still feels like a sneaky treat getting to go out for lunch on a weekday.
Day 29 - Martin had a hospital appointment and, as these always take ages, I always pack a bag of stuff to do whilst I am there. This time I managed to make up three of these cutesy owl key rings for the craft stall. 
Day 30 - This came in the post today, for our holiday in Cornwall. We always book our cottage holidays on line and I can't recall ever receiving any details through the post. This was a really exciting surprise and has made me really start to get into holiday mode.
Day 31 - Just look at what came in the post today! Orange plush fabric, and boy is it orange. It's for a larger children's blanket that I have been asked to make and I just can't wait to get started.

So, we are now at the end of August and summer is officially over.

Whilst I have loved this summer and all of the sunshine that we've seen ... I'm ready for autumn. I think I would say it's my favourite season. For us, autumn is always busy. There are holidays, lots of important birthdays and social engagements, Halloween, Bonfire night and that crazy run up to the Christmas season.

The calendar is already looking busy and I need to make sure that we don't fill up all of the 'white space', leaving ourselves plenty of time to chill out, relax and get ready for our winter hibernation.


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