Saturday 13 October 2018

Joy in the Everyday Ordinary - October, 1-10

Hi there everyone πŸ˜€

Well we are into October already and so far we have had a right old mix of weather. We've been treated to warm autumn sunshine and clear blue skies but have also seen a good bit of wind and rain.

Just back from our two week break in Cornwall and the garden was in dire need of some end of season love and attention in preparation for the spring. We managed to pretty much have three full days out back tidying and planting before the rain set in. There's still plenty to do though ... the leaves are now falling at a heavy rate of knots and there are still fence panels to paint and replace.

Martin still had another week off work so there was still time for a bit of getting out and about and meeting up with friends, as well as plenty of time just generally chilling out.

I've also been watching and reading a lot of stuff about using less plastic and generally creating less waste. I'm becoming quite inspired to commit to some personal actions to try and do our bit so I think this might become a bit of a regular feature. This week we had a go at making our own beeswax wraps.

The calendar for the rest of October is starting to look quite busy but, for now, here are the things that I wanted to capture for the first 10 days ...
Day 1 - It was the third gardening day for us in a row, we were on a bit of a roll. It was a really lovely autumnal day with a lovely blue sky and we just wanted to make the most of it.
Day 2 - After three days of pretty much constant gardening we had a really lazy day today. We even spent the afternoon curled up on the sofa catching up with TV watching. The colours in the garden at the moment are just vibrant, especially in the late afternoon sunshine 🌞
Day 3 - We had an impromptu day out doing a spot of Geocaching in Sutton Coldfield with lunch in The Three Tuns. We had a really good walk, the weather was good and the gardens of the church with the remembrance display was just stunning. 

Day 4 - Today I met up with my good friend Jo for lunch at a little cafe that we like in town. We had a lovely catch up and a really nice lunch. We have finally managed to plant our daisies. They seem to have settled well in the pots at the base of the fruit trees. We've planted lots of bulbs in there too, so I am looking forward to seeing what the spring brings.

Day 5 - Breakfast with Martin at The Tudor House, the first time for him and it was definitely a hit, followed by shopping then our first attempt at making our own beeswax wraps. They have worked out a treat. I will definitely be making more.

Day 6 - Weather wise it was pretty wet and miserable all day. I spent the morning at my monthly craft group and managed to finish off my pumpkin patch. We spent the afternoon with Jo and Steve stripping wallpaper, which was great fun, though it may not sound it.

Day 7 - We had a right old lazy day today. We didn't get up till lunch time and spent the afternoon at mum and dad's dropping off mum's birthday pressie and eating cake. Tea was a favourite - spicy Mexican lasagne and was just the job for an Autumn evening.
Day 8 - Martin was back at work after a four week break and I didn't envy him one bit. I spent my first day going solo for a while doing paperwork, blogging, laundry and chores. I was actually quite productive if I say so myself. I did spot Jess though, hidden amongst the clematis on the shed roof and had to just nip out and capture the moment.

Day 9 - Mum treated my sister, my eldest nephew and I to lunch. It was an impromptu unexpected treat and I love having the freedom to be able to yes to these last minute jaunts.

Day 10 - First home made soup of the season. Butternut and sweet potato with a bit of a chilli kick. Just the job when it's blowing a hooly outside.


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