Saturday 20 October 2018

Joy in the Everyday Ordinary - October, 11-20

Hi there everyone πŸ˜€

What a week we've had weatherwise ... we've been hit with Storm Callum, bringing high winds and torrential rain and we've had days reminiscent of summer with warm sunshine and clear blue skies. We are ending the week on a typically autumnal day, more blue skies and sunshine, but with a real chill in the air ... if we were in any doubt ... autumn is definitely here.

Our week seems to have been taken over by what is turning into a real passion me for using less plastics and producing less waste. I have read and learned so much about what can be recycled ... it has been a real eye opener and I will be sharing more of what I've learned over the coming weeks.

We seem to have been out and about a fair bit too, so we here we go with our last 10 days ...
Day 11 - There is still a fair bit of colour going on in the garden and the roses are having a bit of a second flush. This one looked just beautiful against the clear blue sky.
Day 12 - Yay!!! I had an order for some pumpkins, which I managed to get made up pretty swiftly, before heading out for a curry night with old school friends, which was a real treat.
Day 13 - We spent the day at home, tucked up in the warm, avoiding the wind and rain brought by Storm Callum, but ventured out for an evening of craziness at the church in town with mum and Lesley and Tom, Jess and Lauren. We had a fabulous night. Lots of prosecco, singing, dancing, flag waving and general having a great time. I πŸ’œπŸ’œπŸ’œ these three.
Day 14 - Today it rained, literally all day. The garden looked vibrant though, with all the autumn colours. We spent the afternoon catching up on TV and generally just chilling, having been out both Friday and Saturday nights.
Day 15 - Monday and another week off for Martin. We spent the day doing chores ... washing, blogging, finances and cleaning. For lunch we had home made brocolli and bacon soup, made with a brocolli that was destined for the bin. It was lovely and has definitely been added to the list of favourites.
Day 16 - Our day was pretty much spent finishing off cleaning the house. It was so lovely to have everywhere clean and tidy ... it's been a while. It was then off to the hospital for a routine appointment for Martin. When we got back I had a go at making these reusable face cleansing pads, which I was really pleased with.
Day 17 - We didn't have to go anywhere at all today so Martin spent the day beer and wine making and I uploaded photos for our calendar for next year, which I managed to get for free!!! I also had a play with designing packaging for my beeswax wraps and I'm really chuffed with how it's all come out πŸπŸπŸ
Day 18 - It was a trip to the dentist for me ... no fillings πŸ˜€πŸ˜€πŸ˜€. We managed to find a very nice new lunch spot on the way home where it was lasagne with sweet potato fries for me and kedgeree for Martin. We will definitely be making a re-visit as the cakes looked amazing, but we were just too full to avail ourselves this time.
Day 19 - Friday and shopping day. When Martin is not working we tend to either have breakfast or lunch out before we go shopping and we were on the hunt for somewhere new. We tried a local country park and whilst there was a tea room, sadly it was closed, but we just had to stop and take some pictures of this old mine wheel before moving on. It just looked amazing.
Day 20 - This may seem like a bit of a dull photo to end on but, for me, it is anything but. I tried out my home made reusable crocheted face cleansing pads ... Oh my word! It was like cleaning my face with a scouring pad. More research was definitely needed and I ordered a sample of polar fleece and it feels lovely and soft so I'm definitely going to be giving it another go.


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