Thursday 15 November 2018

A Fortnight in Cornwall #4 - Heading North to Clovelly

Hi there everyone πŸ˜€

Well, after what seems like a bit of age ... today's post finds us back in the South West ...

It was Wednesday and we had another big day out on the cards. As Lesley and Tom were only with us for five days we really wanted to make the most of the time we had before they had to head back home.

We were heading North this time ... to Clovelly. We had some long conversations about whether we would be trying the Winkleberry manoeuvre or entering by stealth along the coastal path ... but in the end we just paid the piper and entered via the visitor centre.
The weather was better than expected. In fact, it was quite bright and we slowly made our way down the steep cobbled pathway, through the village and down to the harbour.

We managed to take in the local Sainsbury's on line shopping delivery ...
Fabulous views ...

Pretty Cornish cottages ...
Plenty of autumn floral displays ...
More fabulous views ...

And the occasional local character who was more than happy to stop and chat for a while ...
Eventually we reached the bottom ...

We wandered out on the harbour where we sat in the sunshine, leaning against the harbour wall ...
... looking back up from hence we had come ...
We even managed to see a seal out at sea though there is no photographic evidence to prove our sighting.

We stopped for lunch in The Red Lion before we took a sneaky trip back up the hill in the land rover whilst Tom and Lesley braved the walk back up.
We only just beat them to the top, though I think it would be true to say they both looked just slightly warmer than we did.

From Clovelly we decided to carry on north to the Atlantic Village shopping outlet where I couldn’t resist these little beauties.
It was the time to call it a day ... agreeing to meet back up for breakfast at The Weir the following day when nothing but rain was forecast.

We called in at Sainsbury's on the way back to pick up supplies for a pick and mix tea later and spent the evening catching up with Bake Off, whilst listening to the rain, which had been threatening all day, hammering on the conservatory roof ...


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