Thursday 1 November 2018

Joy in the Everyday Ordinary - October, 21-31

Hi there everyone πŸ˜€

October seems to have come and gone in an absolute flash, I can't quite believe we're already into November and well on our way to winter.

The garden is looking in dire need of attention, but it's just been so wet and cold this last week I've really not felt much like venturing out. The brightly coloured autumn leaves are gathering in every available corner, so I'm hoping for a dry day over the next week or so, to be able to get out back and have a bit of an autumn tidy up ... I know I will regret it in the spring if I don't.

Martin has pretty much managed to get the four new fence panels painted on both sides. Again, we are waiting for some decent weather to be able to get out there and get them fitted, which will be no mean feat.

November is shaping up to be fairly eventful, with a week away, where we will be taking in the Longleat Festival of Light, the little man's 2nd birthday and a birthday afternoon tea to squish in. There's plenty going on in the craft room too ... starting to get ready for a Victorian Christmas evening we are attending in December.

But that's all to come, for now, here's what we've been up to over the last couple of weeks ...
Day 21 - It's been absolutely ages since we've had a Sunday roast and this was just what we needed after a day of chores ... You can't beat a 'winner winner' πŸ˜€
Day 22 - The soup maker is definitely back in service and this was the first 'Dad's tomato soup' of the season
Day 23 - I love it when my new calendar comes, even though I've chosen the photos, it's still always a treat to see them in print and this year I managed to get it for free ... even better!

Day 24 - Not the best picture ever I know, but we had a trip out for tea, followed by 'Bo Rap' with Lesley, Tom, Lauren and Jess to the cinema. We had fab seats, on the back row, and the film was amazing ... there were a few tears, plenty of singing and foot tapping along. It's not often we are out on a week night and Martin needed some convincing, but he loved it too.
Day 25 - I had a massive cutting out session today. Lots of pretty fabric to be turned into beeswax wraps, with the leftovers ready to be sewn up into reusable face cleansing pads.
Day 26 - We were back to the Tall Chimney today for another family lunch, whilst Martin was at work. It was lovely to see Bobby super excited by the Halloween decorations ... everything new to him ... it was interesting trying to explain what zombies and ghosts are to a nearly two year old! Back home and I managed to sneak an hour in and finish my book, which I have thoroughly enjoyed!

Day 27 - I managed to squeeze in a morning brunch meet up with an old friend. It was lovely to catch up, we could have chatted all day. I spent the afternoon doing a bit of crochet and the evening was spent curled up with a slow cooker dinner, plenty of candles and Strictly ... a perfect way to spend a Saturday night.
Day 28 - It was a wet, cold and miserable Sunday. We spent the morning, working together in the kitchen, turning all of those fabrics shapes into beeswax wraps, before curling up on the sofa and spending the afternoon watching a film.

Day 29 - Today it was seriously looking like the seasons are moving on. A heavy frost, crisp blue sky and sunshine. I spent the day blogging, washing, pottering and generally keeping warm with another home made soup for lunch. Back to butternut and this time it was back to my usual standard, not too spicy and nice and thick. I had a really lazy afternoon and finished another book curled up in the chair. Neither of us fancied cooking so it was Chinese for tea.
Day 30 - I spent another productive afternoon cutting out squares from the softest polar fleece to back the cotton squares for the reusable face cleansing pads that I am making.

Day 31 - I managed to sneak in a sewing afternoon and made a start on sewing up these reusable face cleansing pads. I am really pleased with how they have turned. I've been using the ones I made up a couple of weeks ago myself and they are a real good replacement for my usual cotton wool pads ... so a big win on my journey to less waste πŸ˜€


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