Monday 12 November 2018

Joy in the Everyday Ordinary - November, 1-10

Hi there everyone πŸ˜€

This first 10 days of November seem to have whizzed by in a flash.

This weekend saw the commemoration of 100 years to the day when the Armistice was signed at the end of WW1 and the guns fell silent.

I managed to upload a blog post in memory of Martin's grandad, William Preston Sidney, who served with the York & Lancasters in WW1 and spent many months posted to France, Belgium and Italy. We also managed to go and have a look at the poppy cascade that has been worked on locally and is currently adorning Tamworth Castle, but I'll show you that next time.

We are currently in the throes of leaf clearing and trying to get straight with everything before heading off to spend a week in a cosy cottage on the Somerset/Dorset border, where we are hoping for a chilled out week before the Christmas preparations get well and truly under way. We are also planning on taking in the Longleat Festival of Light, something I have wanted to see for a fair while now, so I'm really looking forward to that.

Oh yes, and the little man turned two, so it's been an eventful start to November ...
Day 1 - Thursday and it had turned into a right old crafty week, with yet more fabric squares cut out ... this time for a bit of a Christmas project πŸŽ„πŸŽ„πŸŽ„
Day 2 - Friday and ... shopping day, but not before a stop off for lunch at The Tame Otter, the pub where Martin and I had our first blind date πŸ’œ
Day 3 - I got to spend a lovely few hours with my local craft group at our monthly craft morning, where I got to do lots of gluing and sticking, before spending the rest of the afternoon back home at the sewing machine
Day 4 - Yet another crafty day ... more beeswax wraps, finished off the gingerbread men gift tags, packaged up my reusable face wipes and started on some Scrabble name tags for a Christmas order
Day 5 - After finally braving my first ever mammogram, which was actually nowhere near as bad as I thought it would be, we stopped off at Barton Marina on the way home for lunch, followed by a quick call in at Rosliston Forestry Centre just to see if it was somewhere we would like to spend more time. We were pleasantly surprised and will definitely be making a return visit
Day 6 - We had a quiet day at home on Tuesday ... catching up on chores ... washing, paperwork and cutting up non recyclable plastic for our first Ecobrick 
Day 7 - Yet more crafting ... a Christmas treat made up for a little one and made a start on the big taggy inspired sensory blanket for another Christmas order
Day 8 - We are going to have some serious leaf clearing up to do in the garden very soon, but today the light was just perfect and I couldn't resist capturing this wooden heart hanging in the magnolia
Day 9 - Friday again already and the day the little man turned two! This time the weekly shop was preceded by an infrequent wander round town, with breakfast in our new favourite cafe, before taking in the start of the poppy decorations in readiness for Remembrance Sunday.
Day 10 - Today we got to celebrate the little man's 2nd birthday and what fun he had. He played ... and played ... and played, stopping only for a brief interlude for cake. We had a lovely afternoon, he is a real joy πŸ’œπŸ’œπŸ’œ
I couldn't resist a sneaky second photo of day 10. The little man, all snuggled up for a bit of quiet time before bed after a very hectic day. Being 2 is soooooo exhausting πŸ’œπŸ’œπŸ’œ


  1. Love the photo of the little man all snuggled up in his dressing gown:)

    1. Thanks Netty. He is totally scrumptious:)


Thanks for taking time to comment on my blog. I love to hear what people think about what Martin and I have been up to.