Monday 3 December 2018

Joy in the Everyday Ordinary - November, 21-30

Hi there everyone πŸ˜€

Well I knew November was going to be busy but it really does seem to have passed in the blinking of an eye. I can't quite believe we are in December already, it will be 2019 before we know it.

Since getting back from our week away in Somerset it really has been all hands to the pump with catching up with chores and doing all the necessary preparations for a Victorian Christmas Evening that we are attending with the craft stall later this week. I'm sure we will be ready, but we will definitely be going to the wire.

We also seem to be finding ourselves in a bit of an electrical appliance blackspot at the moment with both the cooker extractor fan and the shower giving up the ghost this week ... so two more pretty high priority jobs to add to the list that is already plenty long enough for this time of year.

On a more positive note I think the Christmas gift shopping is pretty much done and it's seemed really easy this year. I've not really asked anyone what they want so I'm really hoping that I've got it right. Only time will tell.

Anyway, before we crack on with December here are our last 10 days of November ...
Day 21 - We spent the afternoon at Stourhead, another National Trust property not too far away. Whilst it was a fairly grey day the sun did manage to break through every now and again and there was still plenty of Autumn colour to be had.
Day 22 - We weren't feeling that energetic today and had a ride over to Glastonbury, where we had a short wander up and down the High Street before driving around the Tor ... definitely not feeling energetic enough to walk up, but really glad to have seen it πŸ˜€
Day 23 - Time to pack up and head for home, taking our recycling with us ♻

Day 24 - First full day back at home and feeling quite organised ... advent calendars done and ready for delivery ... a big less waste win too as this is their third year as advent calendars πŸŽ„

Day 25 - Sunday and we dragged ourselves out of the house to have a look at the Christmas tree festival in the church in the centre of town. It was good to get out and have a bit of a wander and there were plenty of trees to look at too.
Day 26 - An unexpected visit from mum & dad whilst Martin was at work, dropping in a late birthday pressie from David, Alison & Bobby. I love this little photo album of his second year, with lots of lovely memories πŸ’œπŸ’œπŸ’œ
Day 27 - A bit of a crafting day and finally finishing off the large patchwork sensory blanket for a Christmas order. I'm really pleased with it and glad it's finished in plenty of time.
Day 28 - I managed to get the packaging done for my latest sets of beeswax wraps in readiness for the Victorian Christmas evening next week. I also squeezed in a nice leisurely lunch in our favourite spot with Jo πŸ°
Day 29 - Whoever would have thought that a day would come when I would be really excited about receiving this kind of parcel? My first box of zero waste cleaning bits and pieces and
I love it 
Day 30 - Another crafty day and something I have been meaning to have a go at for ages. Upcycled jam jar tea light holders, all made from bits and pieces that I already had so a real win πŸ˜€


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