After our decent 'proper' walk on Sunday we decided we needed to rest our legs a bit on Monday. The weather wasn’t looking to be brilliant and we decided on a drive to Skipton, where we were hoping for a bit of a mooch, a bit of lunch and maybe a call in at Grassington on the way back.
After about a 20 minute drive we were soon parked up and heading for the Skipton High Street ...
... passing some eye catching window displays on the way ...
It’s right at the heart of Skipton and was developed form an original Skipton building, which included a theatre, and dates back to the 16th Century. It’s a fully enclosed shopping centre and is based on a Victorian theme with lots of wrought ironwork and a glass roof ...
It was a real treat with plenty of independent shops, some of which were very very quirky ...

There are plenty of town maps dotted around the town centre and we decided to make our next port of call the canal basin.
We headed up to the bus station and over the canal bridge ...
... and plenty of reminders of the mills of years gone by ...
We had a wander along the canal, passing the brightly coloured boats ...
... to the basin ...
... for a bit more mooching ...
We carried on back up to the castle, though we didn’t pay a visit today.
The Cake 'Ole was just crazy inside, with all kinds of madness going on everywhere you looked ...

If you’re in Skipton we would both recommend a stop in here, it was certainly an experience not to be missed.
It was time to head off and we made our way back to the car and decided that we would call in at Grassington on the way back, but I will tell you more about that in my next post 😀
The cakes looked amazing