Thursday 25 April 2019

An Easter Weekend full of my Favourite Things #1

Hi there everyone πŸ˜€

You would be forgiven for thinking that, once retired, Bank Holiday weekends are pretty much like any other. I have discovered that this is very much not the case. There is still the excitement of looking forward to a 'long' weekend, just as I did when I was working.

I think it's because I know that other people, who are normally working or at school, are also off, which means I can spend time with friends and family without it having to be a weekend. Also, there do tend to be lots of events and bits and pieces happening when it's a Bank Holiday, even if its just a family BBQ in the garden.

And when the weather forecast is what is was for the Easter weekend that we've just had, then all the better ...

This year I can really say that the weekend was just full of my favourite things ... we spent time with the little man, we spent time in the garden, we got out and about, we found a new lunch spot and we also had time for some general chill out.

We kicked off the weekend on Good Friday with a lovely morning spent with David, Alison and the little man. They came here first for a bit of garden fun. We'd been up relatively early for us and had hidden some little Easter eggs in places that an excited 2 year old would have a chance of finding them ...
... and got the wormery out and ready for him to have a look ...
David and Alison must have told the little man that there were worms to be looked for as that was pretty much the first thing he asked for as they came through the gate. Well, Martin was happy to oblige ...
Sadly, our worms are either very shy or they haven't thrived well in our wormery so we didn't find that many, but it was good fun looking and most exciting when we found the odd fat wriggly one.

We had a lot more luck with the Easter egg hunt and the little man found all eight, making a really good job of counting them as he found them. It was a real joy to watch him hunting and getting all excited every time he spotted a bit of shiny foil ...
Next on the cards was an idea pinched from our latest Gardeners' World magazine ... bean planting in a jam jar ...
The beans all planted they needed a gentle spray and so it began ... this was definitely something that Bobby fancied have a go at. After a bit of gentle coaching from dad ...
Everything was fair game for a gentle misting ... the furniture, the strawberry bed, the greenhouse ...
... the pots, the beds and the borders ...
Daddy soon decided that a gentle mist wasn't actually that much fun, not when there was a full on jet spray to be had ...
We ended up having to bring out the big guns ...
By the time we packed away we'd all got wet patches, but we soon dried off in the warm sunshine ...
We headed off down to the Castle Grounds where first stop was the play park ...
We are so lucky to have our Castle Grounds, the flower beds always look stunning and today was no exception ...
The stone paths and wonky steps just perfect for a little intrepid explorer ...
... and sculptures, through the eyes of a two year old, great fun too ...
He did manage to still for just long enough to capture a group selfie ... which is becoming a bit of a rare event ... there are just so many more interesting and exciting things to be doing that to be hanging around for photos ...
It was then time for lunch in the cafe before a bit of duck feeding ... and they really aren't that keen on oats, even though they are supposed to be good for them ... and daisy chain making ...
... before heading over to the fun fair ...
... where the roundabout seemed like a good option until it became a reality ...
So hook a duck it was ...

The roller coaster just about got the thumbs up, though there were a few wobbly moments ...
It was soon time to wave good bye to the fair and head back to the car ...
... taking with us the usual plastic tat that comes from a go on the hook a duck stall ...
For a little one that's never had a sword before it certainly didn't take much for him to know exactly what to do with it ...
Bobby wasn't the only one taking something home though. I was really looking forward to this with a drink sitting in the garden later ...
It was definitely a very good Good Friday!

Well, the plan was to do just one post for the Easter weekend, but I think I will have to save the rest for next time 🐀🐀🐀


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