Saturday 13 April 2019

Joy in the Everyday Ordinary - April 1-10

Hi there everyone πŸ˜€

After a pretty mild February and a glorious week of warm sunshine at the end of March, April started bright, but with a definite nip in the air.

Gardening seems to have taken a bit of a backseat for now and this first 10 days of the new month have seen us spending more time indoors, with me having another serious dose of the crochet bug.

Martin has been back at work this week, following a good break of three weeks and I should really have been catching up on laundry and housework, but I just don't seem to have been able to find the time ... looks like that might be a priority for next week πŸ˜€

It hasn't all been hibernating inside though, we have made the most of the few moments of sunshine we've had and there have even been a couple of trips out, so here we go with our first 10 days of April ...
Day 1 - The first day of a new month and it was bright but pretty chilly. The only gardening on the cards for today was to give the grass a treatment of weed, feed and moss killer, but it was lovely to see the honesty seeds that I 'acquired' last year starting to come into flower πŸ˜€

Day 2 - We had a bit of rain today, which was great for the treatment that the grass had yesterday. We had a bit of a crafty day today and made up a stack of spring coloured beeswax wraps, ready for our Easter craft fair.

Image may contain: 4 people, people smiling, people standing, mountain, outdoor and nature, text that says "FISHERMAN'S FRIENDS"
Day 3 - We used our 'Meerkat' 241 cinema voucher for the first time this afternoon and spent a lovely chilled out
couple of hours on the back row of a very quiet cinema enjoying the sights of Port Isaac.
It was a lovely way to spend an afternoon and sooooo relaxing 

Day 4 - I finally got round to buying some cotton yarn to have a go at making a face cloth and a soap bag, with a view to perhaps cutting out using shower gel.
Day 5 - Having been bit again by the crochet bug, I actually did a few more rounds on the squares that I have been crocheting with a view to turning into a blanket. I think it's safe to say it's been a bit of a long term project and a definite labour of love πŸ’œ
Day 6 - My monthly craft morning carried on into the afternoon with me managing to actually finish the 5th round on all of my blanket squares ... it felt like a real achievement!
Day 7 - I spent literally the whole day crocheting and joining squares for my blanket, which is starting to look really good. The highlight of the day though, had to be our good friends Lesley and Tom popping in whilst out on a bike ride. It was a good excuse to stop for a while and take tea and freshly baked banana cake in the garden in the sunshine. It was a real treat.
Day 8 - It's not the best photo I know, but I got chance to lay this out and see how it is coming on today. I am loving this 'join as you go' method of putting the squares together. It grows so quickly and I am loving it so far.
Day 9 - Jut the three teas this time. Mum and dad popped round whilst Martin was at work and we enjoyed a bit of sunshine, accompanied by another bit of Martin's banana cake.

Day 10 - Today was a real treat. I had a day out, meeting up with an old friend at Hidcote Gardens. We spent a lovely hour or so wandering about and catching up over lunch, before heading down the road to discover a new garden, Kiftsgate, that neither of us had visited before and it was full of surprises.


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