Thursday 1 August 2019

Joy in the Everyday Ordinary - July, 21-31

Hi there everyone πŸ˜€

I really can not quite believe the pace with which this year is passing. July has just whizzed by in a flash of scorching temperatures and driving rain ... what I wouldn't give for a bit of consistent weather ... a nice comfortable 24 degrees would be lovely, with a hint of a gentle breeze. Warm enough to be outside in summer clothes, but cool enough to not mind moving about.

We are just over half way through Martin's three weeks off work and, whilst we have managed to get a fair few bits done, as well as getting out and about, there is still plenty on the list that needs tackling.

We have a couple of welcome quiet weekends coming up, which we are both looking forward to and then, before we know it, September will be upon us and it will all be about holiday planning.

But for now ... here are our last 10 days ...
Day 21 - Our regular slot at our monthly craft fair, where these allium caught my eye on my wanderings.
Day 22 - It's time for the next splash of purple in the raised brick planter on the patio. The hydrangeas are coming on a treat.
Day 23 - It was Tuesday and it was hot, hot, hot. We were planning on a gardening day but it was too hot really, though lots of jet washing did get done. We finished the day with our second BBQ of the week.
Day 24 - Wednesday and Martin's hospital appointment was cancelled at the last minute. We decided to make the most of the good weather and had a lovely day out visiting two gardens that we had not been to before and they were a real treat, with one providing us with the best display of herbaceous perennials we have come across. 24 July must have been a corker of a day last year too as I had a memory show on Facebook of our day out to Weston-super-Mare at this time last year. 
Day 25 - I have to say that, for me, today was too flipping hot. Too hot to be out and too hot to be in. I was suffering with a load of itchy bites that I picked up on our day out yesterday and it was just one of those days where you just don't know what to do with yourself. Today, I found joy in dipping my arms up to the elbows in a sink full of cold water. We struggled to decide what we fancied eating and ended up with a sausage fritatta mash up, which we ate in the garden once it had cooled down a little bit.
Day 26 - It was Friday and another hot one, though the weather was due to break for the weekend when we were planning an afternoon tea party in the garden. Oh well, the show needed to go on so it was an afternoon of baking for me.
Day 27 - It was time for the first of the Christmas gift afternoon teas. We had a lovely afternoon and evening with plenty to eat, drink and lots of fun playing board games. We had a dig through the bits and pieces that we had collected from Martin's mum's house and actually used six of these China cups and saucers. They looked beautiful and there is nothing like drinking tea from a real china cup. It was a real joy to bring them back into service.
Day 28 - Just loving the sunflowers my lovely friend bought me yesterday.
Day 29 - A major blueberry harvest!
Day 30 - We were supposed to be on a day out garden visiting with mum and dad today but rain stopped play. We opted for an lunchtime trip to the cinema to watch Current Wars and an afternoon of holiday planning.
Day 31 - Martin's rearranged hospital appointment followed by a visit to the brewing shop and a cheeky breakfast on the way home, which was very nice but I forgot to take a photo of it. Back home and a bit of gardening for a neighbour who is not too well and using some of the excess blueberries.


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