Monday 23 September 2019

'50 Things to do before I’m 60’ ... so far, so good

Hi there everyone πŸ˜€

It seems ages since I did an update on the '50 Things I want to do before I'm 60' and it felt like it was time to have another look at how I'm getting on with the things that I hoped I'd be able to tick off the list this year ...

25 - Finish telling Will Sidney's WW1 story and decide what to do with his memorabilia
The first thing that was on the list for this year was to finish off telling Will Sidney's story.

Well, I did finally manage to share two further posts last week covering off the additional photos and postcards from Will’s collection that I've not been able to include in my posts so far.

I still have lots of embroidered cards to share and I'd also like to do a post about Will's life after the war, so I'm not sure that I will finish this totally this year, but there has been progress and that's good enough for me.

Then Martin and I will just need to decide what we want to do with all of his memorabilia ... I don't think either of us really want to let go of it, but it seems such a shame for it to just be kept hidden away in a box.

20 Go up Snowdon on the Railway
This one is a big fat tick! We finally managed to complete our trip up the mountain when staying on the Llyn Peninsular back in May this year and we loved every minute of it. You can read more about this adventure here.
It's an trip that I think we'd both like to experience again, with sunshine if possible, though the views were still pretty spectacular anyway ...

29 - Visit Portmeirion
This was another visit we managed to make whilst staying on the Llyn Peninsular and ... whilst the weather was pretty dull, it was definitely worth a trip.
Again it would be nice to see it in the sunshine but whether we will make a return visit I don't know ...we were both really happy to have seen it though, it was definitely very, very quirky!

31 - Celebrate our 10th Wedding Anniversary
Well, there were no drastic mishaps and we celebrated our 10th wedding anniversary whilst away in Wales earlier in the year. That holiday certainly helped tick a few boxes.

On our wedding anniversary we spent the day exploring with an incredibly tough walk up to see the tin man who looks out over Llanbedrog beach in the morning, followed by lunch at the beach cafe at Porthor Beach, or 'Whistling Sands', which was just the most beautiful spot ever.

33 - Turn one of my photos into some form of art
Whilst my plan is still to complete a mosaic project of the Maryport Lighthouse I haven't actually started this as yet. I have been collecting porcelain tiles and I have completed a couple of other mosaic projects to practice but it's looking like this one may be hanging over for next year ...

34 - Hold an Afternoon Tea Party in the Garden
Now, this is a tricky one. Technically I won't have done it ... unless we have the most glorious autumn. That's not to say I didn't try. I did have an afternoon tea ... but the weather was rubbish and we had it inside ... does that count? I'm not sure ... I did really want to do it in the garden.
There was Pimms though ... and real china cups ... and scones ... and we did have lots of fun. I guess it wouldn't be so bad to have to do it again next year ... outside!

I did also manage to tick another couple off the list unexpectedly ...

35 - Visit Kew Gardens
I am so glad that we got to visit whilst the Chihuly sculpture exhibition was in situ ... it was just amazing ...
We will definitely need to visit again though as, apart from the sculptures, we only really saw a fraction of the rest of gardens.

36 - Visit The Lichfield Apartments at Shugborough Hall
We also managed a more local visit to Shugborough Hall, where we finally managed to find the Lichfield Apartments open for visiting.

This was a real treat and just so interesting ...

I think that's about it so far and I'm not sure that much more is likely to happen before the end of the year but I will definitely keep you posted.

I'm just starting to think about what I'd like to achieve next year and I think there may be some cycling goals creeping in as I'd really like to get out on my bike more ... there are also lots of places that I'd still like to see ... some of which I may have my work cut out in getting Martin to accompany me but I'm not ready to give up trying just yet πŸ˜€


1 comment:

Thanks for taking time to comment on my blog. I love to hear what people think about what Martin and I have been up to.