Monday 23 December 2019

A Festive Joy in the Everyday Ordinary - December, 11-21

Hi there everyone 😁

In just a few days it will be Christmas Day and we will be spending the day with family ... eating far too much, and promising that we will eat more healthily after the festivities have passed ... and who knows ... maybe we will.

It's been tricky knowing quite what to post today ... I've still got lots of our Isle of Wight holiday to share with you and there's still a week of exploring in the Peak District. I kind of felt I wanted something a bit festive and was planning on sharing our visit to the Chatsworth at Christmas event, but the photos are still all on my phone and I couldn't face sorting through and transferring them ... sorry 😧

I'm writing this post in a small gap in between running errands and social engagements and needed something a bit quick so apologies that I've gone for the easy option. I'm not even sure there will be anything festive about the moments that I share but do be sure that I do wish you all the most peaceful of the festive seasons and thank you so much for showing an interest and letting me continue to share our 'ordinary' adventures with you ...
Day 11 - The picture is nothing at all to do with what made me smile today, but it is festive πŸŽ„ I did my second volunteering shift at our local foodback today and boy was it busy. I came home absolutely shattered but feeling very grateful for all that we have and how 'easy' we have it ... it's not the same for everyone.
Day 12 - Today I went to make my mark. It's not something that I always do but I do very much appreciate the fact that others went a long way to make sure that I have the right to do so.
Day 13 - And finally ... the wreath is up!
Day 14 - We had a wander round a local Victorian Christmas market in the Castle grounds. It was late afternoon and the sun on the castle was just beautiful.
Day 15 - Not very festive and not that exciting but to me ... a defrosted freezer has been so long overdue πŸ˜
Day 16 - A friend popped round to collect some bits and came bearing gifts. I've seen lots of comments about Jayne's bread pudding on Facebook and now I can confirm that they are all true ... it was delicious πŸ’œ
Day 17 - Martin's duck curry πŸ˜‹
Day 18 - After consultation with the Neff engineer the problem of our very odd shaped Yorkshire puddings is resolved πŸ˜
Forget the fan setting, it's top and bottom heat all the way from now. 
Day 19 - Home made turkey breakfast patties with mushrooms and poached eggs for breakfast πŸ˜‹
Day 20 - Our first go at slow cooked red cabbage - definitely a success!
Day 21 - Fabulous night out celebrating Christmas with fabulous food and the very best of friends πŸ’œπŸ’œπŸ’œ

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