Tuesday 3 December 2019

Joy in the Everyday Ordinary - November, 21-30

Hi there everyone πŸ˜€

I seriously can not believe the month has turned over into December already ... it's not that I'm not ready, it's just that it seems to have happened so quickly.

After our very nice relaxing break in Derbyshire it has been pretty much full throttle since we've got home, with a couple of craft fairs, days out and plenty of Christmas preparation underway.

After three weeks off Martin is back at work for two weeks and I am hoping to catch up with some blogging and last crafty bits before Christmas whilst at home alone with the peace and quiet.

Since finishing work I've been building up to finding a new volunteering opportunity and I think I've found just the thing and I start tomorrow, so I'm quite excited about that and will let you know more when I'm all settled in and happy with what I am doing.

For now, here is the rest of our November ...

Day 21 - It was our last full day before heading for home and after being out and about all week we decided to stay holed up in Willow Cottage. I did venture out ... as far as the village shop for supplies, but other than that we just had a really chilled out last day.
Day 22 - Back home and some of the fabric that I'd ordered with some birthday morning whilst away had arrived πŸ’œπŸ’œπŸ’œ
Day 23 - This is us all set up for a Winter Craft Fair at the church at the top of the street. It was a brilliant atmosphere and we had a lovely morning chatting, meeting new people and even managed to sell a few bits and pieces.
Day 24 - We were on a bit of a Christmas mission today and got the advent calendars made up and ready for delivery, a load of Christmas present wrapping done and cards written ... trying to get ahead whilst we can πŸ˜
Day 25 - Grocery shopping on a Monday was actually a fairly pleasant experience ... made all the better for Asda having these in and we just couldn't resist πŸ˜‹
Day 26 - This may seem like an odd one, but we'd both got fed up with bits of paper being held onto the side of the boiler with magnets and treated ourselves to this restaurant order grabber which is fab for fixing inside of a cupboard door for the shopping list and the weekly menus ... and yes ... Wednesday's tea was 'chicken quinoa shit'. It was the leftovers from a not so successful recipe we tried a few weeks ago ... it did improve a bit with added spice but not something we will be cooking again.
Day 27 - I showed Martin his Pukka tea Christmas advent calendar today. How pretty is this πŸ’œ
Day 28 - Today we used up another afternoon tea voucher that we had as a Christmas gift last year. We went to The Priest House in Castle Donnington and had a lovely afternoon. Definitely somewhere that may get another visit.
Day 29 - Here we are again at our last craft fair of the year. It was a bit of a crazy mad evening but we did ok and made a few really good new contacts which have already led to a few orders, so it was definitely worth the effort.
Day 30 - We finished off a hectic, but full of fun, month, with a French themed dinner for our good friends Jackie and Phil. We had prawn & fennel bisque, followed by tartiflette with roast vegetables and green beans, finished off with a sticky white chocoloate cake. Definitely worth the effort, we had four clear plates from all three courses πŸ˜‹


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