Thursday, 12 December 2019

Joy in the Everyday Ordinary - December, 1-10

Hi there everyone πŸ˜€

Well, here we are ... December, and another year nearly gone. It is so true that the older you get the faster the time goes.

I remember finishing work in January 2014, knowing that I had five years to manage before my pension kicked in and thinking that it seemed like forever ... and now, in the blinking of an eye, that time is here ... it's just a little bit scary really and definitely cause for making the most of every single day.

December is shaping up to be a month full of social activities, spending plenty of time with friends and family and starting to get into my new volunteering venture, which is shaping up to be a very rewarding and humbling experience.

Martin finishes work this week and has a full four weeks off, with not very much on the calendar at all ... other than the usual activities that come with the festive time of year ... and we are both looking forward to having a bit of a chilled out Christmas, but for now ... here is the start of our December ...
Day 1 - The weather was fine and we got out back to do the first bit of gardening that we'd done in an age, but was long overdue. We had a seriously good leaf clearing session and it was so good knowing it was all done in time for the last green bin collection of the season ... and the garden looked a hundred times tidier πŸ˜€
Day 2 - A Christmas afternoon tea catch up with two lovely ladies that I haven't seen for far too long
Day 3 - Martin's advent calendar is well and truly up and running and he is really enjoying trying the different teas, he especially enjoyed this one!
Day 4 - I did my first volunteer shift at the local food bank today and I really enjoyed it. I have to say though, I had forgotten what doing a proper day's work was like (and this was only an afternoon). My knees were killing me when I'd finished and I had the first bath I'd had in about 10 years! And, boy, did I enjoy it. I had a lovely soak and really reflected on just how lucky we are to have it so easy ... there are so many others that are not so lucky.
Day 5 - After a flurry of orders for reusable face wipes I had a day cutting out and ended up with some simply gorgeous fabrics on the cutting mat.
Day 6 - Nearly a week on and the flowers that Jackie & Phil bought me at the weekend are still looking lovely 
Day 7 - Today was the loveliest of days. I spent the morning at our local craft group, with Jackie and Rachel, where we all had a go at making our own Christmas wreaths. We were joined by Martin, Phil and Tom for a leisurely lunch at the pub just down the road ... there may even have been a little snooze back home on the sofa before Strictly and I'm a Celebrity πŸ˜
Day 8 - After a lovely but very busy Saturday we had a far more chilled out Sunday. We did manage to scatter a few Christmas decorations about though and it was lovely cosying up for the evening with the Christmas mantel.
Day 9 - It was a very productive day at the sewing machine for me today, with all last minute orders now completed in plenty of time for Christmas πŸŽ„πŸŽ„πŸŽ„
Day 10 - I spent a lovely afternoon with my good friend Jo, chatting a stormy afternoon away, trying out a new cost afternoon tea spot ☕🍰☕


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