Monday 19 October 2020

Exploring East Devon #2 :: Exmouth

Hi there everyone πŸ˜€

It was the first Monday of our two week break in East Devon, staying in The Old Piggery, in Sidbury, just north of Sidmouth.

The forecast was pretty darn good ... full sun all day 🌞🌞🌞. 

I really wanted to dip my feet in the sea ... but I wanted to do it on sandy beach ... pebbles just don’t do it for me.

We decided to head for Exmouth and, from looking at the map and the Geocaching opportunities, we thought it may be the first of maybe two or even three visits.

We parked at the Foxholes car park by the lifeboat station and this time we started with lunch. We just took our camping chairs and sat on the prom looking over the sea, with this as our view ...

Lunch over and done with we decided to start off with a wander along the prom towards Orcombe Point. We passed plenty of pretty beach huts but I wasn’t sure about the positioning of them ... there would certainly be no quick nipping straight into the sand and into the sea for a quick dip ...

We carried on to the Bumble and Sea Cafe, which was doing a roaring trade and seemed to have the social distancing working very well ...

From here we headed into the beach and I got my first paddle ...

We decided that we couldn’t face walking up to the point and the Geoneedle ...

... and I went for a more serious paddle as I was desperate to see what was around the headland. I was not disappointed ... it was definitely a bit of a wow moment ...

Poor old Martin missed it as paddling just isn’t his thing but it was just lovely ... nice and sandy and the water was lovely and just the perfect temperature for cooling off, without being so cold that it is a shock to the system ...
The colours were so vibrant, the seaweed a real vivid green and the red of the rocks really different to anything we’d seen before ...

Martin did get a bit closer to the sea and we did manage a selfie without him getting his feet wet ...

It was time to head back the other way and we sat for a while watching this vessel and wondering what it might have been doing ... only imagining that it must be dredging the seabed for some reason ...

At the lifeboat station we managed an ice lolly stop and another sit in the sunshine ...
... before carrying on our way as far as the cricket ground ... 

... where we stopped for refreshment in the Queens Drive space before walking back along the beach as I wanted a final paddle.

Paddling here was totally different to the other end of the beach. The sea was rougher and the sand was gritty, though it was almost dog free as this part of the beach should be a dog free zone until the end of September.

We were shattered by the time we got back to the car. We'd had another really lovely and full day and we were ready to head back to The Old Piggery for a sit in the evening sunshine ...


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