Monday 26 October 2020

Random Ramblings :: Captain George

Hi there everyone πŸ˜€

As it's been a little while since I randomly rambled I thought I'd take a break from our Devon holiday today to share something a bit different with you.

This is the tale of Captain George ...

If you’ve been following my blog for a while ... and I mean a good while ... you may be familiar with Captain ... a seemingly homeless puss who took to dropping by from time to time.

The first time he stayed for a while was back in August 2014 and you may recall reading about him back then ...
Whilst he seemed very happy in his chosen spot we found him a blanket and set him up with a cosy corner on the arbour, which he settled into quite nicely ...

He has been visiting us pretty much ever since.

Here he is in December 2014 ...
... and in August 2016, just chilling in the sunshine ...
In case you're wondering why we called him Captain ... it was Martin's idea. It was as a nod to Captain Mannering (or is it Mainwaring?) from Dads Army. This is because he was a really skittish kitty and  very nervous. Every time Martin approached him, he talks to him and says 'don't panic' to try and keep him calm and stop him running away. 

By October 2017 we considered him a regular enough visitor for him to have his very own hand crafted bed and Martin got busy. Well, safe to say, I think he was happy with the upgraded facilities ...

I haven’t taken any more pictures of him but he continued to visit, sometimes he’d be on the arbour in his bed every other day or so, sometimes we wouldn’t see him for a few weeks.

You can imagine my surprise to see this picture on Spotted Tamworth back in May of this year. It certainly looked like Captain and he was looking a bit worse for wear ... but more surprising was how far away he had been spotted ...
There were loads of comments from people who had seen him all over the place so he definitely is a real wanderer.

At the end of July he appeared again ... this time on the Tamwoeth Matters Facebook page.

By then we hadn’t seen him for a good while and were beginning to wonder if he'd either been adopted or something bad had happened to him ... but on 18 August he put in an appearance here and I was pleased to be able to update the Tamworth population that he was still alive and well ...

It had been that long since we'd seen him that his bed had been relegated to underneath the arbour, but he soon made himself at home.

There was a big development in the saga last week as Martin was putting out the recycling. A lovely lady called Alex walking up the street stopped to ask if he’d seen her cat. The description matched Captain to a tee and after a bit of chat it turned out that her and her husband and pretty much adopted him. They’d named him George and he’d been to the vets for neutering and a good checkover and had been given a loving home, but they hadn’t seen him for a while.

We promised to keep an eye out for him and thought no more of it ... until about five minutes later, when the little monkey appeared in the garden.

I bribed him to stay whilst Martin headed out in the car to see if he could spot the new owner to let her know he’d appeared.

Luckily he found her and Captain ... or George as he is now known, was soon cajoled into the cat box and on his way home.

We were more than happy to know that he had a new loving home, but hope his days of popping by for a visit aren't completely over as he will always be welcome here.

A few days later and there was a knock at the door and it was Alex with a tub of Celebrations and a card to say thank you for finding him ...

Her husband Paul had written a poem in the card, which was just lovely and they are both happy for me to share it with you so here you go ...

We exchanged phone numbers and email addresses so that we could keep in touch ... should Captain George ever go walkabout again and Alex sent me a couple of photos just to let me know he'd settled back in quite nicely ...

With Captain George's tendency for a good old wander I am not sure how he will take to staying in one place on a permanent basis ... I really hope he always manages to find his way back to his new home at the end of his wanderings to make sure that he can make the most of the nice comfortable life that Alex and Paul want to give him.

We did have a bit of an early fright ... Saturday was an awful day weather wise and I had a message from Alex during the evening asking if we'd seen him as he'd not come back for his tea. Well, he wasn't in his usual spot here so we had everything crossed that he hadn't gone far.

I was so pleased to receive another message on Sunday morning letting me know he'd turned up ...

I think this little monkey will always like to have a bit of a roam but he certainly seems to have made himself quite at home πŸ’œ

I don't think this will be the last time that I hear from Alex 😜


1 comment:

Thanks for taking time to comment on my blog. I love to hear what people think about what Martin and I have been up to.