Monday 12 July 2021

A Week in The Yorkshire Dales #4 :: Over Buttertubs to Keld Waterfalls

Hi there everyone πŸ˜€

Whilst we are just back from a few days away in the very lovely Peak District, today's post takes us back to our break in The Yorkshire Dales back in May.

It was Tuesday and the weather for the morning looked reasonable to we decided to take a bit of a drive up over Buttertubs, then onto Keld for some more waterfalls before heading back to Askrigg via Muker.

It was a actually a pretty bright start and I’ll apologise up front for the number of photos I took on our drive over the pass ... we pretty much stopped at every pull in ... the views were spectacular ...

As we came down into Swaledale the landscape changed a bit ... it was a little softer, with pretty much every field dotted with an old barn or stone building of some description ...

In Keld we parked up in the village ... waterproofed up ... as the weather looked like it was ready to change and headed out through the village ...

We came to the spot where a decision had to be made ... did we carry on to Kisdon Falls or take the very steep downward track to East Gill Force. A chat with some walkers coming back from Kisdon falls made the decision for us and we headed on down ...
At the bottom of the track was a bridge over the river with pretty views in both directions and we could hear the thunder of the falls on the other side ...

We headed over the bridge and did a bit of scrambling to see how close we could get ...

The sheep were very vocal ... they didn’t seem keen on having visitors at all ...
We carried on up to the top of the falls where the weather took a real turn for the worse and we saw some really heavy rain ...

Soaked through we decided to head back the way we had come ... definitely leaving Kisdon Falls for another time ...

It was a bit of a slog back up the footpath but we took our time ...
... and actually spotted a view of the falls that we hadn’t noticed on the way out ...
Back at the car we decided we would have a short drive along the river to Wain Wath Falls which Martin assured me we would be able to pretty much see from the road.

He wasn’t fibbing ... there was a great view from the road ... 

... but I did scramble down to the side of the river for an even better view ...

We came back through Muker and from there we took another narrow and windy cross top road back to Askrigg ...
It was only when I looked closely at the map when we got back that I realised we were literally a stones throw from .Ravenseat Farm ... home of the Owen Family of Our Yorkshire Farm fame ... which is a real favourite of ours. I wonder if any of the sheep we saw from Ravenseat πŸ˜€



  1. We love that area, we've walked and camped there quite a bit - it is such a lovely mix of wild and isolated and beautiful - think it is time we went back! Thanks for the reminder 😊

    1. It is really lovely … there seems to be something beautiful around every corner πŸ˜ƒ

  2. I was thinking you must have been in Ravenseat country when I saw the title of your post. Looks beautiful. I must get there someday. X

    1. Haha … we are fairly new to Our Yorkshire Farm but are totally hooked. Can’t wait till they show the last one of the last series. I follow them on Twitter and Amanda posts some gorgeous photos πŸ˜ƒ

  3. OMG, now I'm homesick..........wonder if I'll ever get to see it again. I've read 2 of Amanda's books and I enjoyed reading about her, the family and farm & we've seen snippets about them in a few TV series, but haven't heard of Our Yorkshire Farm, so will keep a watch out for it. Thanks for the photos & taking us along. Take care & hugs.

    1. I’m sorry if I’m making you feel homesick but hopefully you are enjoying seeing all those old familiar places. The TV series is lovely … it just follows day to day life on the farm through the seasons … it’s lovely watching the children all growing up and learning about life on the farm. I’ve found it quite inspiring. Still a couple more posts and waterfalls to come πŸ˜ƒ

  4. Replies
    1. We are very lucky Elena … we do have some beautiful places not too far away πŸ˜ƒ


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