Monday 22 November 2021

Our Step Challenge #3

Hi there again everyone πŸ˜€

Well here we are ... three weeks into November and still managing to keep up with the 'step challenge' that we set ourselves for this month.

Last week we did manage a 'big day out' ... which was just lovely ... so managed to have a bit of a more interesting walk than our usual convoluted stroll around the block or the local nature reserve.

As suggested by Kate in her comment on last week's post I think we will try and up our challenge ... just a little bit ... to 2250 steps a day for this coming week. I know we have been exceeding this fairly regularly so it will be interesting to see how it feels knowing we need to do just that little bit more ... time will tell.

For now ... here is how we did last week ...

Monday, 15th ... 2925
On Monday it was my Goddaughter, Rachel's, birthday. We had a wander, via the nature reserve, round to Jackie's to drop off her birthday card ...
Tuesday, 16th ... 2662
Today we had a choice of walks ... we needed to go to Aldi to pick up a few bits and pieces and that was the original plan for our walk. But when it came to it we didn't really fancy it and opted for a walk purely for walking's sake ... which actually surprised us both. We didn't go far ... just down the road, through the ginnel by the canal and back via the nature reserve ... but the opposite way to Monday. 

We also both realised that we are both better at walking in the morning, rather than later in the day. And ... of course we still had to go to Aldi so did a few more steps round the supermarket, which actually took us up to 3091 ...
Wednesday, 17th ... 2050
Today I was out for afternoon tea with Jackie, Rachel and Erin, who is just one and has definitely found her feet. I gave Martin the choice of walking before I went out or after I got back. He opted for after I got back so we had our second quick evening walk in the dark. Today's total did not include the numerous circuits of the restaurant that I did with Erin toddling around  ... she found that an absolutely fascinating way to spend an afternoon ...
Thursday, 18th ... 7343
Thursday was my birthday and we spent the day at Clevedon on the Somerset coast. It's a bit of a trek just for the day but it was lovely. We had a lovely walk in the sunshine along the pier and the front and a really nice lunch ...

Friday, 19th ... 2409
On Friday I needed a trip to the Post Office so we made this our walk for the day ...
Saturday, 20th ... Garden Leaf Clearing
Saturday was time for another massive leaf clearing session in the garden. We easily filled the green bin and were feeling quite pleased with ourselves ... until we looked out on Sunday morning and saw that next door's lilac had decided it was time to drop πŸ™ˆπŸ™ˆπŸ™ˆ
Sunday, 21st … 2662
On Sunday I’d noticed that there was a Christmas Market on in Lichfield and we had a ride over to have a look. It wasn’t a particularly pleasant experience as it was just sooooooo busy. We ended up avoiding the market and having a quick walk round and heading straight back home again …



  1. You're doing well & love the accompanying snaps. We should try something similar. Take care & hugs.

    1. Thank you Susan. I must admit it’s not always been easy, even though I know it’s not actually that far to walk … but there have been days when it’s been hard to make ourselves keep going. We enjoy it most of the time though πŸ˜ƒ


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