Monday 6 December 2021

Tales from Wales #7 :: Dodging the Showers at Carew

Hi there everyone πŸ˜€

Though we are currently holed up in the wind and rain of Northumberland, with friends, in the most comfortable and cosy cottage ever … we are back to Pembrokeshire for today’s post …

On the second Monday of our fortnight in Pembrokeshire it was forecast for heavy showers ... but it didn’t actually look too bad so we decided to head back to Carew.

We weren’t fussed about actually going in and exploring the castle but we did want to walk down to the tidal mill and have lunch in the castle tea room.

It was a day of real moody skies and a definite threat of rain …

… and the castle looked totally different to how it had when we called in to take our blue sky shots …

We had a really nice walk … down the lane …

... passing some pops of bright colour ... despite the colour of the skies ...

We were heading for the tidal mill ...
... where we headed across the causeway ... where the tide was most definitely out ...

Over the other side there were more great views looking back at the castle ...

... and back to the mill ...

By now, the rain could hold off no more ...

... and we did experience a bit of a shower ...

It didn't last for long though and it brightened up again as we made our was back up to the main road along the opposite of the lake …

... and then back across the road bridge ...

... to take us back to where we started.

We’d managed to avoid the majority of the showers and ended our visit with scrumptious artisan baguettes sad outside of the tea room ... of which, for some very strange reason, I don't seem to have taken any photos of.

I'd definitely recommend a visit if you're in the area. You can park for free and it's an interesting and reasonable length walk and you can visit the cafe without having to actually pay to visit the castle ... what more could you ask for?



  1. I love that grey colour of stone it is similar to that in Derbyshire. Would also love to explore inside the castle, it is in a beautiful setting.

    1. It really is in a lovely spot and such a lovely walk to be able to see it from every angle. It looked so different on the two days that we visited … sunshine and stormy πŸ˜ƒ


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