Monday 1 August 2022

Exploring :: The South East #3 ... Deal & The White Cliffs

Hi there everyone πŸ˜€

It was Monday and the second day of our trip to the South East. Another place that I’d really been looking forward to visiting was Deal, a bit further afield, but I didn’t want to have made a visit to Kent without going to have a look.

I’d heard lots of good things about it from people that I know and I’d seen it on the TV series Liar so was really looking forward to seeing what it had to offer.

We parked up along the front and had a wander along the prom back towards the pier …
… which actually did look a bit bleak and very utilitarian.

Now we all absolutely love a pier, but none of us fancied wandering along this one … which was a bit of a disappointment ... though it was a bit prettier at the entrance ...
We carried along the front as far as the castle …

… where we sat for a while, just looking at the boats and the sea …

… before deciding to head back along the front to the car ...
... to move on and head back for the White Cliffs of Dover, which we’d seen signposted on our way.

We were soon parked up in the National Trust car park, with the most amazing view over The port of Dover …

Martin and I didn’t fancy walking too far, but we did want to see how much of the cliffs we could see so decided to set out and see how we went …

We weren’t disappointed … the views were incredible …
... and they just got better ...
... and better ...
None of us had ever visited the white cliffs before, only having seen them on the TV or from a ferry coming back across the channel and they really are iconic … especially on a glorious day with bright blue skies and sunshine …

I took loads of photos and yes .. there may have been singing, but I’ve been told we were terrible, so I won’t be subjecting you to the video of that with you all.

We would have loved to have been able to walk to the lighthouse but it was just too far so we just did a short loop, coming back along the path along the edge of the cliffs …
… with views of Dover Castle in the distance ...
… and the queue of boats heading into port …

Back at the car and we broke our the camping chairs and the picnic, with a far better view than we could have hoped for …

We decided to make one last stop on our day out … trying to see if it was possible a view of the lighthouse by car and whilst we did spot it, we couldn’t get close enough to park.

We ended up at a beautiful little spot though … St Margaret’s bay…

It’s just a tiny bay … backed by white cliffs…

... with some pretty impressive Art Deco properties at the end …
We just had a bit of a wander along the prom ...
... and back again ...
... before deciding it was time to head for home ... and maybe even a quick dip in the pool 🏊🏊🏊



  1. What a lovely day out & thanks for the great photos, as I've only seen the cliffs from a ferry, as we travelled to the port by coach. Take care & hugs.

    1. Sorry for the late reply but I can still only comment properly when I'm on my desktop and that doesn't seem to happen often at the moment. We were a bit like you Susan, only ever seen the cliffs from the ferry or on pictures or the TV. So much better close up and personal :)

  2. Fascinating. Amazing pictures, especially the one of the queue of boats heading into Dover. So glad the day turned out well for you.

    1. Thank you and sorry for the late reply. Blogger is still not letting me comment anywhere properly other than on the desktop. We could have sat and watched the boats coming in all day :)


Thanks for taking time to comment on my blog. I love to hear what people think about what Martin and I have been up to.