Monday 15 August 2022

Exploring :: The South East #5 … Bodiam Castle

Hi there everyone πŸ˜€

It's Friday, 12 August and it is literally sweltering here again at the moment ... heading for 36 degrees today and I just thought I'd sit with the fan on and the curtains shut and have a quick catch up ... as it's an activity that doesn't involve much moving around. 

It was the Wednesday of our week down in the South East back in May and, having spent a few days at the coast, we opted for another National Trust visit to another new place for all of us … Bodiam Castle … described by the NT as “an archetypal 14th century moated castle with ruined interior - a glimpse of medieval splendour".

It was another place that I’d heard of and wanted to visit so I was really looking forward to seeing what we would find.

From the car park it was looking very promising …

As it was a bit of a walk we opted to take the NT buggy, to save our legs, and our driver definitely knew the best spots to stop along the way for great photo opportunities ...
We were dropped right at the front door ...
…and headed inside ...
Martin was not up for the climb up the narrow spiral staircase to the top of the tower but mum and I couldn’t resist … though it was a bit hairy in places …

We didn’t spend that long actually inside the castle but took a slow walk back through the meadow …

…to finish off our visit with an ice cream before heading off to our next stop … Great Dixter, but I’ll tell you about that next time πŸ˜€



  1. A beautiful ruin & well done to you & your Mum for climbing the stairs. Look forward to seeing your snaps of Great Dixter, somewhere I have visited & loved it. Take care, stay cool & hugs.

    1. We were quite proud of our efforts to get to the top :)


Thanks for taking time to comment on my blog. I love to hear what people think about what Martin and I have been up to.