There is a massive selection of small plants available for using in hanging baskets in nurseries and garden centres. It's definitely worth shopping around as prices vary considerably. I got a real bargain with my plants this year. I bought 10 for £5 on the local market. Originally I was only going to do one basket, but 10 plants seemed a few too many, so I bought a couple more odd plants to make it up to 12 and decided to split the lot between two baskets.
As I bought the plants as, just a bit bigger than, plugs, I re-potted them into small pots as soon as I got them home and kept them in the greenhouse until I was ready to make up my baskets.
I decided to opt for a mixture of purple and pinks in my baskets and the plants I have included are:
- Fuschia, Trailing, Royal Mosaic
- Fuschia, Bush, Gillian
- Fuschia, Upright, General Monk
- Verbena, Trailing, Midnight Purple
- Verbena, Trailing, Lanai
- Bacopa, Scopia, Trailing, Pink
- Bacopa, Baja, Trailing, White
- Petunia, Trailing, Plush
- Petunia, Trailing, Picobella
- Isotomar, Trailing, Tristar Rose
I started off by gathering all my bits and pieces together - the basket, the plants, the compost and the moisture retaining gel.
I filled each basket about half full with a multi-purpose compost for baskets and pots. Then I sprinkled in a handful of moisture retaining gel, and topped up to about two thirds of the way up the basket with more compost.
I planted an upright fushia in the centre of the basket and planted a selection of 5 other plants, evenly spaced, around the edge of the basket. I pretty much laid the outside plants horizontally in the basket, to encourage them to grow over the side.
I then topped off the basket with compost, firmed all of the plants in, and gave a good watering.
When I'd finished, I decided that there was still a little too much space in my baskets. The earth needs to be pretty much fully covered in plants. I have now bought a tray of mixed trailing lobelia, which I will use to fill the gaps.
I will keep the baskets on the ground in buckets until the wind and rain have eased up and then I will hang them in their final positions. It's important that they are kept well watered and fed right through the summer, to ensure the best show.
I am looking forward to sharing my pictures of them in full bloom later in the summer.
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