Monday, 8 December 2014

It's feeling even more like Christmas!

Well, if last week it was beginning to feel a lot like Christmas, this week has really upped the ante. 

Friday night we were disturbed from our cosy TV watching by a knock on the door, to find it was Santa!! I had to follow him up the road on his sleigh in my slippers to get a decent photo! 

On Saturday we woke to a real frosty scene in the garden and I managed to get all my card writing done.  This was followed by the very last few bits of Christmas present shopping and then we were off to get the tree.
I love going to get the Christmas tree. We always have a real one and go to a local farm to pick it up. When Martin and I first started buying our Christmas tree it used to take us ages to choose one, looking at loads before finding the right one. For the last few years, apart from last year when we didn't have a tree, we've managed to pretty much end up buying the first one we've looked at. This year it was the second, so we were in and out in no time. 

It's not the cheapest way of having a tree but, in my opinion, nothing beats a real tree. It makes the house smell lovely and it just feels really Christmassy and it's much more fun going to get it than getting one out of the loft (not that I have a loft, so I'd have nowhere to keep an artificial one anyway). 

We didn't get back till quite late so we decided to see the decorating until Sunday, when there was nothing on the agenda other than chilling at home, the best kind of Sunday.

After a lazy Sunday morning breakfast we got cracking with the tree.  I can not tell a lie, this year, it took us an age to get it looking straight.  Every alteration Martin made seemed to make it lean more than it was to start with. Now, you don't have that problem with an artificial tree! We had to resort to propping up the stand with coasters in the end.

Then it was time to decorate.  Its always really nice looking through everything that we carefully packaged away last time and brings back memories of where we've picked up different bits and pieces over the years.

We always start with the lights, then tinsel and garlands, followed by all manner of hanging baubles and decorations and then, hey presto ....... it looks the business.
Whilst we had the DSLR out it seemed like a good opportunity to set up the tripod and do a few close ups, so here you go ......

And then, I just love these guys that we bought on a trip to The Peak District a few years ago.
Once everything is up, all that is left to do is to switch on the lights and snuggle down on the sofa with a nice glass of bubbly to finish off the day - lovely.

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