Thursday 9 May 2019

A Week in The Yorkshire Dales #4 - Grasssington

Hi there everyone πŸ˜ƒ

We are currently away for a week in North Wales, celebrating our 10th wedding anniversary, but do you remember our visit to Skipton, back in March, when we spent the week in the very lovely Yorkshire Dales? Well we decided to take a bit of a detour back to our cottage in Malham and call in at Grassington on the way.
After a drive around some very narrow lanes we managed to bag a parking space on the cobbles in the centre of the village ...
We were probably only there about an hour, which just gave us time to pretty much wander up one side of the street and then back down the other. There are plenty of little craft and gift shops for mooching ...
... what could be described as a real old Arkwright's store ...
... and plenty of pretty cobbled streets going off in all directions ...

We left Grassington and decided to take the longer way back to Malham, through Kinsley and Arnforth, where we barely passed a soul on the road, which was great as we just had to keep stopping to take in the views, which were spectacular ...

We did see plenty of sheep though, with some very heavy bellies, looking like they’d taken part in a colour run ...

We also had a real treat as we managed to pull up roadside and watch a sheep dog doing its thing.

A few minutes later and, not only would we have missed it, but we would have been smack bang in the midst of the flock as they were herded back up the road ...
We’d had another lovely day. Skipton and Grassington were both definitely worth a visit and the drive back over the hills was something really special.

We were soon tucked back up in Woodside Cottage in front the TV for the evening, looking forward to have a day closer to home tomorrow πŸ˜€


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