Monday 20 May 2019

Joy in the Everyday Ordinary - May, 11-20

Hi there everyone πŸ˜€
After our fabulous week away on the Llyn Peninsular we have spent the last week settling back into our normal everyday lives, filled with plenty of gentle pottering, especially of the gardening and crafting variety.

The weather has been a bit mixed, but on the whole fairly dry and there has been enough sunshine to make being outside a real treat.

We've had a family day out at the Statfold Barn Railway, met up with friends for tea and spent a day out with the craft stall.

Martin is at work this week so I am on a bit of a mission to catch up with everything, though I am hoping that there will still be plenty of time for pottering ...
Day 11 - Saturday and our first full day back following our week away. It was lovely to have chance to have a good look round the garden and see what's been happening whilst we've been away. Just look at the seed pods on this honesty. I already know where I am going to be sprinkling them in the autumn.
Day 12 - We were at the Statfold Barn Railway Giant Miniature Weekend this morning with mum and dad, David, Alison and the little man. His excitement and interest in everything at the moment is a real joy to watch. We spent a leisurely afternoon in the garden in the sunshine potting up the hanging baskets and summer pots.

Day 13 - We had a lovely, nice and steady day just pottering about at home ... holiday washing and catching up with blogging for me and car MOT and haircut for Martin. Then there was a very pleasant couple of hours sitting in the sunshine before planting up another summer pot ... it was just lovely. It was also great to see the first of, what I hope will be many, the pink stripy blooms on the Nelly Moser, which has taken a bit of a battering over the last couple of year. It seems she may be fully recovered.

Day 14 - It was yet another glorious day and, again, we spent pretty much all of it in the garden doing a few bits and pieces, potting on the seedlings, seeding the grass, a bit of pruning and generally tidying and plenty of chilling. The first of the Rhapsody in Blue rose, that we bought following an open gardens visit, is just starting to come into flower. In spite of some very hard pruning this looks like it is going to be pretty amazing this year, judging by the number of buds on all of the stems.
Day 15 - It was a full day of sewing for me, mainly inside, but I did manage to get in a couple of sessions sat out in the sunshine ... trimming, turning and getting ready for the next stage.
Day 16 - There was more crafting in the sunshine, amidst the chores, for me today.
Day 17 - It would have been Martin's mum's birthday today, had she still been here. We spent the evening catching up with good friends, Jo, Steve, Hannah and Megan. We had a lovely evening catching up, with lots of chatting about everything and nothing ... for one of the younger generation who takes millions of selfies you would have thought she would have managed to get us all in!
Day 18 - It was certainly a crafty week last week. Saturday was spent with Martin in the kitchen making up beeswax wraps in readiness for Sunday's craft fair.
Day 20 - Craft fair day! We didn't sell a lot, but we chatted to a lot of nice people, had lots of nice feedback about our stall and managed to cover our costs πŸ˜€


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