Monday 6 April 2020

November in The Peaks #2 - Padley Gorge & Owler Tor

Hi there everyone πŸ˜€

Writing this post has definitely got me looking forward to when we can get back outside to explore our great outdoors ...

Today I am taking us back to November last year when we spent a week staying in Willow Cottage in Ashford-in-the-Water in the very lovely Peak District.

I know it seems like an absolute age ago but am trying to keep my posts in order so am only just getting round to sharing this visit with you.
Whilst we were away it was my birthday and it was an absolutely glorious autumn day. We woke up to plenty of sunshine, which stayed with us all day. It was perfect for pulling on the walking boots and getting out and about ... something I'm sure we all wish we could be doing now.

I am a member of the Let’s Go Peak District Facebook group and have seen lots of lovely photos of places that I really wanted to get out and have a look at and today was the day that we managed to tick a couple of the list.

We started off with a humungous sausage batch in the Grindleford Station Cafe ...
... followed by a quick look at the railway from the bridge ...
... and to the excitement of my railway buff husband ... the Totley Tunnel ...
We carried on up the road and managed to park on the roadside at the top of Padley Gorge where the views were just stunning ... pure Peak District ...

There was a quick birthday selfie ...
... before we headed off for a bit of a wander ...
We were heading downstream ... back towards Grindleford ... with no real plan ... just a bit of a look, a few photos, then retracing our steps to see what we fancied next ...
It was certainly a beautiful spot and on such a glorious day too ...
The colours were just stunning ... the vibrant green of the moss, which was in pure abundance ...

... the coppers and oranges of the autumn leaves ...

... and the clear blue sky ...
It was every bit as beautiful as I had hoped it would be.

We didn't walk too far ... just past the 'penny tree' ...
... before making an about turn and making our way back up through the wood alongside the river. It's always fascinating seeing how things look from the opposite direction ...
There is always something that you didn't notice on the way down ...
Back at the top it all opens out a bit and it's easy to imagine the place packed with families paddling in the river and picnicking on the grass ... today though it was lovely and quiet ...

From here we made our way back to the car and decided to head for the reservoirs, but there was an unscheduled pull in at the Surprise View car park for a quick walk over the road and a scramble at Owler Tor.

It was stunning...

After a short walk but plenty of time just taking in the view and taking lots of photographs we decided to carry on to the Fairholmes Car Park by the Derwent Reservoir, but I think I will save that to share with you another time.



  1. Looks beautiful! Loving the autumn leaves, planning a visit this month! :)

    1. It was November we went ... it was really beautiful ... I hope you get some sunshine πŸ˜ƒ


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