Thursday 16 April 2020

November in The Peaks #3 :: Ladybower, Derwent & Howden

Hi there everyone πŸ˜€

We are back in The Peak District for today's post ... following on from the rest of our day out exploring back in November ... which started out with our visits to Padley Gorge & Owler Tor.

It was but a short drive from Surprise View car park, up past Ladybower Reservoir, to the Fairholmes car park at the Upper Derwent Visitor Centre, which sits above Ladybower Reservoir and at the bottom of the Derwent & Howden Reservoirs.

Whilst I'd visited Ladybower Reservoir a number of times, both in recent years with Martin and long, long ago as part of a Duke of Edinburgh Award expedition whilst still at school, both the Derwent and Howden Reservoirs were new territory for both of us and we were both quite excited to see what we would find ... especially with all the rain that we'd had recently.

We weren't disappointed. We started off with the short walk from the car park to the Derwent and, instead of taking the easy path which lead along the bottom of the dam, we opted for the steps upwards.

Whilst we could hear the water rushing over the dam a fair while before we could see it, this was our first view, through the trees on the way up the steps ...
The steps were a bit of a slog, but then we are both pretty unfit. It was worth it though ... this is the view from the top of the steps ...
Once at the top we saw that we could actually have parked up there ... and for free ... which was a bit frustrating, but we did feel quite virtuous for having made the effort.

At the top there are plenty of reminders of what happened here during WWII ...
... ... and of Tip ... the most loyal of sheepdogs ...
All very poignant and in the most beautiful of spots ... the views were spectacular, both looking back over the dam ...

... and up the reservoir ...
Having taken in the view, which was truly majestic, we headed back down the steps, where we stopped to chat to this little chappie on the way ...

At the bottom of the steps we took the footpath which lead us along the bottom of the dam and boy was it impressive. It was vast ...
... and the overflow of water was absolutely thundering over ...
We didn't really need telling but just in case ...
We did manage a couple of selfies though ... a bit washed out in the strength of the sun but we certainly weren't complaining ...

We walked along the base of the dam to the tower ...
It really was the perfect day for exploring ... just look at the blue of that sky ... beautiful πŸ’™πŸ’™πŸ’™

Having spent a while taking it all in we decided to head back to the car, with plenty of time for reflection on the way ...
We grabbed a quick snack from the kiosk before jumping back in the car for our drive along the road which takes you up round the Derwent Reservoir and onto the Howden Reservoir. We were lucky to be visiting on a weekday as I believe this road is closed to motor vehicles over the weekend.

It was a beautiful drive, the views were just fabulous and we did stop along the way for a few photo opportunities ... the autumn colours were just stunning ...
We followed the road as far as we absolutely could ... past the Howden dam and right to the top of the reservoir and what we found here was just spectacular ... it literally did fair take our breath away ... it was absolutely beautiful ... a glorious day, still water ...

By now the sun was beginning to drop ... which really did change everything ...
We decided to head back as we wanted to capture a few pictures along the way before the sun finally disappeared ...

We drove back the way we'd come, with a quick pull in somewhere we shouldn't have really to capture the view of the bridge over the Ladybower Reservoir ...
We couldn't leave the area with a quick stop at Ladybower for a look at the 'plughole' ...

Apologies that they are not the best but by now we were seriously chasing the light. I guess they are a bit better than the one I took when up there with school for my Duke of Edinburgh Award expedition though ...
This was me back then ... I am in the fetching orange cagoule and pink hand knitted hat second from the right ...
And just in case you were wondering ... yes I did get to meet the Duke ... twice actually πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚
We'd had the loveliest of days, plenty of sunshine, plenty of exercise, some stunning sights and explored lots of new places. By now though we were ready for the warmth and cosiness of Willow Cottage for a chilled birthday evening in πŸ˜€


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