Friday 3 April 2020

Random Ramblings :: Life as we know it

Hi there everyone πŸ˜€

It's Friday, 3 April and we are almost two weeks in to the three weeks for which we have been asked by our Government to 'Stay at Home' so we can 'Protect the NHS' and 'Save Lives'.

Life is most certainly not as we would normally know it for this time of year. We would normally be on holiday this week, celebrating Martin's birthday. This year we were supposed to be going to Dunkeld in Scotland, with friends, where we would have been visiting Glamis Castle and ticking another thing off the list of the '50 things I want to do before I'm 60'.

If not away we would be pottering round garden centres and picking up bits for the garden, having lunch out, visiting friends and family and exploring Spring Gardens ... I had Felley Priory on the calender for this weekend ... to see the Spring daffodils.

Last Thursday we did venture out ... for the first time in seven days ... we went to the supermarket ... we were nervous ... but it was OK ... not too busy ... people maintaining a safe distance ... and we got nearly everything we wanted.

At Asda we queued outside as they were operating a one out one in policy, but once inside all was calm ...
We had been concerned about what people would think of us as we were shopping for elderly neighbours and parents too, but we just put everything through separately and all was good ... there was also a quick visit to the pharmacy to pick up a prescription for mum before making our deliveries and having a very quick outdoor and at a safe distance catch up.

Back home to deliver the neighbours shopping before unpacking our own, playing Tetris with the fridge and freezer to get everything stowed ... we’d shopped for two weeks again to save having to go back out any more than necessary.

We came home to an exciting delivery though ...

The evening consisted of the street 'Clap for the NHS' and a virtual pub quiz on Facebook ... which was great fun ... and accompanied by cake ...
On Friday things suddenly became very real and we had the saddest of news ... our very good friends lost a very much loved family member to the virus ... it kind of just brought home how serious this whole situation is ...
We spent the next few days reflecting really ... with a bit of planting ...

 ... a home made chicken pie from the freezer for tea ...
... more batch cooking ...... and using up the last of the self raising flour to made the most comforting chocolate cake ever ...
Sunday was Martin's birthday so we spent the day pretty much chilling out and eating cake ...
We are certainly not short of things to do, though we did lose the sunshine over the weekend.

Since then there's been a bit of painting in the garden and a bit of spring cleaning inside but we’ve been a bit lazy this week and even spent one afternoon binge watching series two of West World ... in spite of watching three episodes back to back we still have no flipping clue as to what’s going on and who’s real and who’s not.

We are due to shop again next week and it looks like the 'rules' have been tightened up a bit more ... to only allow one person per family in ... so I'm feeling just a little bit anxious about that.

But before then ... I'm hoping that our craft group ladies can meet virtually in the morning for our regular monthly get together. I've been saving up my crafting for then. Martin will be in the kitchen bottling some wine whilst I'm at the dining room table on the sewing machine.
It looks like we then have a weekend of sunshine to look forward to so more gardening will be on the cards ... and who knows ... we might even see what we can cobble together for a bit of a makeshift BBQ.

Stay safe everyone and look after each other πŸ’œ


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