Monday 13 April 2020

Random Ramblings :: At Home for Easter

Hi there everyone πŸ˜€

It's Easter Monday and the end of week three of the country's lockdown as a result of the Coronavirus. We are all still staying home in an effort to protect our NHS and to save lives. The Government tell us that it seems to be working ... whilst we are losing lots of people to the virus, the NHS is coping and there is constant talk of hitting 'The Peak' and the curve possibly beginning to level out.  I guess only time will tell.

Since my last 'Ramblings' we have been blessed with the most glorious of weather, clear blue skies and warm sunshine, which has lead to plenty more garden activity and no return of the 'Winter lethargy' ... so here's what we've been up to ...

The first Saturday in the month is my local craft group and for April it was a bit different to normal.
We got up to glorious sunshine and clear blue skies ... the garden is just about beginning to look like our garden again ... 
... but there was to be no gardening this morning ...

Craft group was taking place virtually this month ... from dining room tables and craft rooms in everyone’s homes ... hoping to keep in touch via our Facebook group, though going live was something that was just a step too far.

We had a very productive morning here with me working on a gift that  I’m making ... so I can’t really share many photos here ... just in case ...
While I was set up on the dining room table Martin was cracking on with bottling in the kitchen ...

That was a morning well spent ... followed by an afternoon of cooking ... a shepherds pie for tea ...

... and ... having finally managed to get hold of some flour ... courtesy of a friend ... a banana cake to see off some manky looking bananas from the fridge ...
For Sunday we had been promised more bright sunshine and clear blue skies ... we were badly let down here ... though it was relatively warm ... so it was OK for working in the garden, more so than sitting.

We managed to finish off treating the pergola with only one casualty ...
Today we were all shocked to hear that Boris, the PM, who has been self isolating with symptons of the coronavirus, was admitted to hospital as a "precautionary step" because his symptons were still persisting.

On Monday there was a bit of jet washing, a bit of blogging, a Facebook live afternoon tea, cake and singing with my youngest Goddaughter, lasagne from the freezer for tea ... and Boris was taken into intensive care.

I got to leave the house on Tuesday as I was off to complete a volunteering shift at our local foodbank. It was the first time out for me, other than for shopping, since the last time I was at the foodbank three weeks ago. For Martin there was a bit more jet washing on the cards.

I did notice today that the cacti that I'd housed for my Goddaughter, which were added to ours in the  birdcage, are absolutely thriving. I've ordered some special cactus compost so I'm hoping that I will be able to repot them all very soon ... another good job for a lockdown ...

We spent Wednesday in the garden ... scarifying the grass and matching up all of the pots on the patio with their saucers as things are starting to look just a little bit dry.

Oh ... and this came today ...

Thursday was our fortnightly shopping day, which brought much stress. We visited two supermarkets, queued for what seemed like hours, shopped for ourselves, my mum and dad and our elderly neighbours ... spent a fortune, but at least we don't have to go for another two weeks.

It was also the day that our very good friends got to say good bye to their very much loved family member and our good friend John ...
Those twinkling eyes
That biggest smile
Always time, to chat awhile
Cheeky banter, tales to tell
Living life, oh so well
A family man, through and through
Proud as punch of all of you
I can't quite yet believe he's gone
I'm going to miss my good friend John πŸ’œ
Thursday evenings seem to be falling into a new routine ... the NHS clap, following by the virtual pub quiz on Facebook ... keeping up with everyone else who is also playing on WhatsApp is starting to get a bit tricky.

Friday brought yet more good weather and we were back in the garden spending the day planting lots of veg seeds ...
... and contemplating about whether or not we could squeeze in another raised bed somewhere ...

The ornamental cherry blossom is out and looking amazing and we hear that Boris is out of intensive care but still in hospital ...

We didn't do an awful lot on Saturday but we did receive a non-contact kerbside delivery of seedlings and bits and pieces from some good friends who are further along than we are with their planting, including these two healthy looking cucumbers ...
Easter Sunday was another glorious day and I had a wander round the garden first thing and couldn't help but dash for the camera when I saw the dew on the strawberry plants ... looking like little diamonds perfectly decorating the leaves ...
It was more than nice enough to partake of our favourite breakfast in the sunshine ...
We didn't put a lot of effort in doing much in the garden but we did sand and paint or rewax the wooden hearts that we have hanging in the magnolia ...
...and just look at the blossom on the Morello cherry ... I'm thinking there may be a jam making session on the cards later in the year.

It was a lovely slow and relaxing day ... and we got to hear that Boris was out of hospital, which was a bit of relief all round I think.

Today it's not quite so bright and the temperature has dropped considerably ... I think it might be a bit of an indoor one today ... might finally get some housework done 😁

It's been a bit of an unusual Easter for us ... we would normally have spent time with friends and family and been out and about visiting places in the sunshine ... instead there's been very little exercise and far too much chocolate, but saying that, though it's been different, it's still been a lovely long weekend πŸ’œ


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