Friday 12 March 2021

Photo Scavenger Hunt :: March 2021 #2 ... Look up/Look down

Hi there everyone πŸ˜€

I was really struggling with the subject for Kate's photo scavenger hunt today, which is look up or look down, and didn't think I was going to be able to find anything to contribute.

Having racked my brains I opted for a bit of a trip down memory lane. Back to 2005 when  I was still working, pre blogging, when budgets were generous, the value of recognition of employees was understood and the cost of flights was cheap.

Having worked for the same organisation for 30 years I guess it’s inevitable that there were ups and downs. When I look back now I can clearly see that both were linked to the leaders and the teams that I worked with.

A particular highlight was a fabulous ‘Christmas do’ which actually constituted of a couple of days in Paris.

I have to say I was more nervous about going than excited ... but it ended up being one of the most fabulous trips ever.

We did all the touristy things ... the Eiffel Tower, Montmartre, Notre Dame, an open top bus tour, lunch in a Cafe, dinner in a restaurant on the Champs Elysee and all night drinking in a bar close the hotel for some, followed by catching the early morning sun at the Sacre Coer.

There are not many of the old team left in situ ... most having either retired, like me, or moved on as part of, what seemed like, an annual restructure ... or 'cull' as it used to be known.

Anyway here are my photos for this week ... looking up ... at night ...
... and another by day ... which I turned into small photo canvasses as gifts for close colleagues when the team got broken up ...

There really isn't that much I miss about working, even though I was there for such a huge and important part of my life, but I always think with great fondness about that team and the experiences we shared ... maybe some of them will be reading this ... who knows πŸ˜€



  1. I understand where you are coming from. I used to teach adults in a FE college but then the goal posts changed and it was all about targets etc etc. I do miss the good old days there, pre-targets. I think your choice of topic and photos are lovely. I've never seen the Eiffel Tower from that angle in the day time; really good.

    1. Thank you ... it really is impressive and so lovely at night when it is covered in twinkling lights ... just magical πŸ˜ƒ

  2. That photo looking up at night at the tower is amazing!

    1. Thanks Kate ... I just got lucky πŸ˜ƒ

  3. I also love that view up under the Eiffel tower by night. Most unusual. x

    1. Thank you ... I was really pleased with how it turned out too πŸ˜ƒ

  4. It’s one of my best memories too Carol. Some of the best people ever on that trip and overall , it was a brilliant team to be in. My memories are full of laughter!

    1. It definitely was a trip that will never be forgotten πŸ˜ƒ

  5. Great photos full of memories for you. The underneath one is definitely different. Take care, stay safe & hugs.

  6. Apologies for the late comment, it's been quite busy round hers just recently. The first shot is certainly unusual though I prefer the daytime shot :)

  7. Ooh, I love the underneath photo with the lights, great shot!


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