Friday 26 March 2021

Photo Scavenger Hunt :: March #4 ... Light and Dark

Hi there everyone πŸ˜€

I know I say this every week but I really can't quite believe it's Friday again already and time for the weekly photo scavenger hunt link up hosted by Kate at I live, I love, I craft, I am me.

Our challenge this week is ... Light and Dark.

It's the last time that Kate is hosting the challenge so I want to say a massive thank you as it's really given me the chance to get to share some of my photos and ramblings with a new group of people and it's also introduced me to some new blogs which I am now following regularly.

All is not lost though, as from April the challenge will be hosted by Astrid from Dragon Stitches and Stuff by Astrid and I am already looking forward to seeing what our challenges will be for next month.

So ... back to 'light and dark'. This has been one that I've struggled a bit with and if it hadn't been Kate's last week I think I would have left it for this week but I've dug deep into the archive and this is the best I could come up with ...
This was taken in Beacon Park in Lichfield on a glorious sunny day back in 2015. Now I know that I've taken photos of white swans for real before and managed to get some lovely shots when in Kingsbury Water Park, but I've trawled back through to 2002, when my digital photography days began and I can't find them for love nor money ... perhaps my digital filing system wasn't quite so good back then.

Whilst  I couldn't find any white swan photos I did manage to find this one ...
A white peacock in all it's glory ... taken in July 2007 in Cornwall ... I believe it was at the Otter Sanctuary. Isn't he spectacular ... a little odd, but totally spectacular.

For dark I knew exactly where I was going and that was back to Dawlish in September of 2014, when we visited for the day from a holiday cottage we were staying in on Dartmoor. The black swans are a bit of a local tourist attraction and we couldn't resist spending a while with them ...

So that's me for this week and the final challenge both for Kate and for March. Can't wait to see what April brings ... see you there πŸ˜€



  1. The white peacock is so unusual; never seen one before. I don't think I've seen black swans before so your photos were lovely to see.

    1. It’s the only time that we’ve seen either of them too ... but I am so glad that we did ... both were fabulous to watch πŸ˜ƒ

  2. Hard to pick a favourite from these, I like them all, though I think the white peacock just has the edge - very unusual but also very beautiful :)

    1. Thank you ... I have just googled the white peacock and there are some truly stunning photos on the Internet but I’m glad we got to see it in its full glory πŸ˜ƒ

  3. Oh my word - You have come up trumps! the black swans and the white peacock - what beauties!! Was the peacock an albino or white? I am so glad you got something out of joining with the scavenger photo hunt - that makes me so happy xx

    1. I must say I had no idea what to post but having seen a couple of other posts this just came to me, though I was looking for white swan photos ... I’d completely forgotten about the white peacock ... not sure if it is an albino or not. Thank you so much Kate for making me feel welcome and confident enough to take part in the photo hunt ... I have really enjoyed it and an looking forward to seeing what challenges Astrid has for us πŸ˜ƒ

  4. I must say I had no idea what to post but having seen a couple of other posts this just came to me, though I was looking for white swan photos ... I’d completely forgotten about the white peacock ... not sure if it is an albino or not. Thank you so much Kate for making me feel welcome and confident enough to take part in the photo hunt ... I have really enjoyed it and an looking forward to seeing what challenges Astrid has for us πŸ˜ƒ

  5. Love the swan and Peacock feathers

    Julie xxxxx

  6. What lovely photographs. I've seen black swans in Bulawayo, Rhodesia (Zimbabwe) but never a white peacock. He is absolutely gorgeous. What a treat to have seen him. x

    1. It is the only one we’ve ever seen ... j didn’t even know they existed ... we were fascinated by him πŸ˜ƒ

  7. My goodness, a white peacock! That is both stunning & unusual. Ummm...though more like a WHOOPs, as I've also posted black swans which we see all the time as ours don't come in white & as a child I was quite gobsmacked when I saw my first white one. In fact on Friday I had a conversation with a black swan over in Ballarat where many live on Lake Wendourie. Thanks for sharing & guess we both thought about black/white animals & birds. Take care, stay safe & hugs.

    1. I know ... isn’t he stunning? Black swans are quite rare over here, lots of rivers have white, but the black are very few and far between πŸ˜ƒ

  8. Oh my gosh! The white peacock! How stunning - was it an albino? Beautiful - and the swans - black or white - they are so magnificent. and I'm glad to see someone else's photo filing system isn't perfect - I can never find what I'm looking for lol

    1. I’m not sure about the peacock ... I have had a Google but couldn’t find much ..
      It looks like the Otter sanctuary has become a victim of this last year and has had to permanently close ... though it was good to read that all of the animals were still being cared for πŸ˜ƒ

  9. Both of your photos are great, what a stunning peacock and those swans are so different and beautiful! I can't say I've seen either of them in those colours.


Thanks for taking time to comment on my blog. I love to hear what people think about what Martin and I have been up to.