Tuesday 1 June 2021

A Week in The Yorkshire Dales #1 :: On our Way

Hi there everyone πŸ˜€

If we are friends on Facebook then you will be more than aware that we are just back from a week's break in The Yorkshire Dales. 

It was our annual get together with old work friends ... I think we worked out that its been 10 years now that we've been getting together. We had to cancel last year for obvious reasons ... though we did manage a lunch catch up in Devon when, by pure coincidence, we were all holidaying at the same time, in a similar part of the country.

We set off on a pretty wet Friday and we fancied a change from our normal service station lunch stop, so decided to give the Felley Priory Tea Room a try. It is literally just off the M1 so would be no real detour and if it was too busy we could rethink.

I did call as we were leaving home to check we could visit without needing to pay the garden entrance fee and also if we could book a table. Well ...we didn’t need to pay but all the indoor tables were fully booked, so we would have to take a chance on an outdoor table in the marquee. We decided we would see what the weather was like when we were nearly there and call in if it wasn’t too bad.

As it happened it wasn’t raining as we were approaching so decided to give it a go ...
We would have been fine outside ...

... but as it happened there was space indoors anyway so we were soon tucked up in a cosy little corner with our cuppas in the prettiest of Portmerion crockery, which somehow made it all the nicer ...
We went for the soup and sandwich option ... which was far more substantial than expected which sadly left no room for cake, though it all sounded and looked very nice ...

The food was all fabulous ... we will definitely be re-visiting ... but it was soon time for us to be back on the road heading Northward.

We had a very quick wander round the tea room garden ...
... and then the rain set in ...

... but we didn't care because ... we were going on holiday ...



  1. Look forward to seeing more of your holiday snaps in The Dales, as it is one of my favourite places in UK, hubby coming from Leeds means that we usually head out to Bolton Abbey on our first day after the long flight from Oz & it never disappoints. Those tea rooms sound lovely. Take care & stay safe.

    1. There is certainly plenty to come from our trip ... mainly waterfalls, but it was lovely to get out and about in the ‘proper’ countryside. I haven’t been to Bolton Abbey for year ... we keep meaning to go back but somehow it just keeps getting postponed. Hope all is well with you πŸ˜ƒ

  2. it's good that you can travel again

    1. I know ... it was so good to get back out into the countryside and breath some real fresh air. Hope you are well πŸ˜ƒ

  3. A promising start to your holiday, though I hope that pesky rain held off a little but. Waterfalls though are all the more impressive after the rain. :)

    1. We did get quite lucky and managed to dodge most of the rain, but yes wet weather does make for more interesting waterfalls πŸ˜ƒ


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