Saturday 30 June 2018

Joy in the Everyday Ordinary - June, 22-28

Hi there everyone πŸ˜€

Well, we are the midst of a pretty impressive heatwave here. I keep looking at the weather on the BBC website and can't recall a time when all I could see was sunshine for as far ahead as the forecast goes.

We are so used to just getting the odd nice day here and there that it's thrown me a bit. My routine is all over the shop. It's too hot to do much but lounge about and it's only when the weather is like this that I realise just how many pots I have in the garden. There is plenty of watering going on I can tell you ... hopefully this glorious streak of weather will not lead to water shortages and hosepipe bans.

Poor old Martin has been working this week, so hasn't had much chance to enjoy the sunshine but I'm hoping that we might get out and about a bit over the weekend, if it's not too hot 🌞🌞🌞

I've been taking it quite slowly this last week, but here's a snapshot of what's made me smile over the course of the last seven days ...
Day 22 - Well, June seems to be turning into a month of impromptu lunches! I love being able to just say yes to this kind of thing at the drop of a hat and this time I met up with Jo and we managed to eat sitting outside in the sunshine, be it by the side of a busy road. As if the lunch weren't good enough it was such a lovely day that when Jo had gone back to work I meandered down through town into the castle grounds to have an ice cream and see our castle looking pretty amazing.
Day 23 - The first of two lovely days spent with the craft stall at Lullington Open Gardens. We were both really taken with this purple lily type plant, which looks to be a cross between an agapanthus and an allium. The 'plant man' reliably informed us that it's a brodia and it's already on the list as a potential addition for our own garden.

Day 24 - Our second day at Lullington, tucked behind our stall, in the shade with a picnic. It was lovely feeling that we were part of 'village life', even if just for a weekend.
Day 25 - The strawberries just keep on coming! They have been amazing this year. Today I also picked the first of what looks to be a good crop of morello cherries, which went straight in the freezer.
Day 26 - Another glorious day. I had a good sort out of all the craft stuff following the weekend and reclaimed the dining room, did some blogging and managed to enjoy some evening sunshine, when Martin got home, with a last minute BBQ. Another one of the succulents that we planted last year has flowered ... isn't it beautiful?

Day 27 - Wednesday and Jackie wasn't at work so we had a bit of an unexpected trip out to Ikea, for peg bag fabric and wooden coat hangers. Of course ... there was lunch. This time we stopped off at The Fig and Olive and ate outside and very nice it was too.
Day 28 - The sweet peas are still going strong and I have three little jars full spread around the house. I've also had enough to send mum home with a handful and to take a couple of bunches to my neighbours. They smell lovely and, of course, are all pretty much in all my favourite shades of purple.


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