Friday 15 June 2018

Joy in the Everyday Ordinary - June, 8-14

Hi there everyone πŸ˜€

Doing this series of posts really does bring home how quickly the weeks just seem to be flying by. It's definitely true ... the older you get the quicker the time seems to pass.

This week has been nice and quiet, spent at home, just gently pottering about. We haven't ventured far at all. In fact, other than a hospital appointment for Martin I don't think we've been out since last Saturday ... and it's been just lovely.

We are in the process of gearing up for a craft fair tomorrow and then Martin is back at work on Monday for two weeks, so we will be making the most of Sunday, but for now here are the things that made me smile over the last week ...

Day 8 - We got back from our week's holiday in Yorkshire today and both of us were pretty much blown away by how much the garden had changed whilst we had been away. As predicted the delphiniums were looking spectacular and the pots and baskets were coming on really well too. We were both chuffed to bits.

Day 9 - Car selfie ... how cool are we? We were on our way to our close friends' 25th wedding anniversary celebration which ended up being a great night. Plenty of good food, good company and lots of laughter.

Day 10 - Lazy Sunday morning breakfast in the garden - healthy too!

Day 11 - This ipad photo doesn't really do this shot justice. I just happened to look outside before heading off for a school governors' meeting and noticed the sunlight catching on these yellow roses against a darkening sky and really wanted to capture the moment.

Day 12 - We always try to bring something back from holiday that reminds us of our time away. This time we bought this rusty metal orb thingy that we've placed within the delphiniums for now.

Day 13 - After a trip to the hospital for a routine appointment for Martin, we had an al fresco lunch in the garden and I picked the first sweet peas of the season. They are currently on the kitchen window sill and are looking really pretty.

Day 14 - The first harvest of the year ... home grown strawberries ... sunshine in a bowl πŸ˜€


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