Saturday 2 June 2018

Joy in the Everyday Ordinary - May, 29-31

Hi there everyone πŸ˜€

Overall May was an absolutely glorious month, with what seemed like day after day of bright sunshine and warm temperatures, something that I was badly in need of after what had felt like endless cold and rain.

Of course, it was not without it's fair share of the wet stuff, with some pretty spectacular thunderstorms and lightning shows, but hopefully the warmer weather was a sign of things to come and I am looking forward to seeing what the summer months bring. I am expecting lots of sunshine, blue skies and plenty of BBQs and time just chilling in the garden, making the most of the hard work that we've put in so far.

This is the last of my Joy in the Everyday Ordinary posts for May and just covers the very end of the month, so here's what we got up to ...

Day 29 - We managed to give the privet out front the first trim of the year and rewarded ourselves with an al fresco lunch at one of our favourite local restaurants. It was a real treat, though a couple of drinks at lunchtime did nothing for the afternoon productivity ... we both ended up flaking out for an afternoon nap when we got home πŸ˜€

Day 30 - It was time for some downstairs cleaning. Martin had the kitchen and I had the lounge. I love it when it is all nice and clean and tidy. Hopefully it won't be long now before we manage to find the right carpet to replace that red.

Day 31 - It was tricky choosing just one image for today. At first I thought it would be the picture of the lazy breakfast we had out at a local garden centre, but then the oxe eye daisies were putting on a real good show on the verges on our way back home. However, once back and having five minutes in the garden, I noticed this beauty and the choice was easy. We bought these irises last year from the shop at Osborne House on the Isle of Wight and it is lovely having a reminder of a such a lovely day on display in our own garden.

So, that was my May πŸ˜€ 

With a week's holiday on the Yorkshire coast on the cards for June I'm very much looking forward to seeing what this next month brings. Hopefully lots more sunshine, some more exploring and plenty of time chilling out and enjoying the garden 🌞🌞🌞

Thank you for following this new blog series of mine, I'm thinking that it will definitely be back ... for June at least ... 

See you all soon 😊


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