Monday 11 January 2021

Exploring East Devon #8 :: Over the Border to Lyme Regis

Hi there everyone πŸ˜€

I am seriously out of sync with this post, but didn't want to let the last few days of our September holiday in Devon fall through the cracks.

It's actually nice looking back and remembering our time away ... not sure when we can expect to do it again ... we have a break in Wales booked for early March, but I'm guessing that it may end up falling by the wayside.

Anyway, back to September and the last few days of our break ...

It was the autumn equinox and the Tuesday of our second week away. The weather had turned, though we couldn't really complain, having had almost two full weeks of glorious sunshine.
We decided to head across the border, into Dorset, for a visit to Lyme Regis. We parked up at the harbour end of town and headed out into the grey ...

It was pretty breezy so we didn't fancy the harbour wall this time and kept our feet firmly at ground level ...
It wasn't all completely grey and we made the most of the odd pop of colour as it presented itself ...

The plan was just to have a walk round the harbour then back along the front before making our way back and finding somewhere to have our first fish and chips of the holiday.

The rain held off for our walk along the front, though it was still very grey ... the normal vibrant colours along the front looking just a little bit muted ...

We made it to the far end ...

... where it did feel a little bleak and pretty blustery ...

The locals didn't seem too bothered though ...
It was a good view looking back across the bay to the harbour though, so had definitely been worth the walk ...
We did have a very quick walk up the high street but it was very busy so we gave it up as a bad job and headed back long the front, hoping to find a good spot for fish and chips. As we were making our way back it started to rain and, as we really wanted to eat outside, our options were limited.

We ended up at a place called Swim ... where an outdoor table, with an umbrella just became free as we arrived, so we settled in with the paper and a more than generous portion of some very nice fish and chips ... and just about managed to dodge the rain and keep dry ...
There was just one more snap on the way back to the car before we headed for The Old Piggery and a cosy night in ...
So that was about it for our two weeks in Devon. Our last couple of days were spent relaxing in The Old Piggery and having a short drive to a local bistro for lunch ...
We were sad not to be able to take advantage of the beautiful outside space because of the weather, but it was very pretty and still lots in flower for this time of year ...

Our stay at The Old Piggery ended with the most spectacular of sunsets ...

It would be oh so lovely to be back there now ... but hopefully 2021 will bring more trips and more new and beautiful places to explore πŸ˜€



  1. A lovely area. I am not sure if the photo of the fish and chips or the sunset take the top spot! So to be objective and fair - I shall say that the steps going up on to the harbour wall are my favourite and I must admit they do look a little perilous when windy!

    1. Ah thank you ... yes we didn’t think the steps were a good idea on this visit ... we aren’t that nimble on our feet at the best of times πŸ˜ƒ. The fish and chips were fab ... loads better than we were expecting πŸ˜ƒ

  2. Replies
    1. Even better on a bright sunny day Elena. Hope you and your family are safe and well πŸ˜ƒ

  3. Thanks for sharing the end of your trip away. I love beach huts & those amonite street lamps are gorgeous. I am also missing holidays, but we are taking one day at a time to get out of this mess & hopefully the future will be brighter. I've a few catch up posts from last yer that I should do and yet can't always get motivated. Take care & stay safe & hugs from down under.

    1. Thank you ... I must admit I can never resist a row of brightly coloured beach huts. We are due to go away again early March but can’t see it happening the way things are here at the moment. At least we should get plenty of time for spring garden tidying. You take care and stay safe too and thank you for taking the time to comment πŸ˜ƒ


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