Friday, 8 January 2021

Photo Scavenger Hunt :: January 2021#1 Gifts

Hi there everyone πŸ˜€

I’ve really enjoyed taking part in Kate’s photo scavenger hunt challenge over on I live, I love, I craft, I am me and fully intend to try and join in for 2021.

To start the year off, instead of the usual monthly challenge, January’s scavenger hunt will be a weekly one, so I hope to be able to find something that fits in with the theme each Friday

The first word is ‘gifts’ so here we go with my first contribution for 2021 ...

Having retired from work in January 2014 I soon fell back in love with crafting ... inspired by a friend I started off having a go at making jewellery.

In January 2015 I shared the first post of the ‘50 things I want to do before I’m 60’ series. The first thing on the list was ... "to make hand made Christmas and Birthday gifts" ... it seemed the ideal outlet for all the bits I was making.

These beaded bracelets were the first of my home made gifts made for everyone for Christmas 2014 ...
I soon ran out of people and occasions to gift them for and needed to come up with something else ... and so began a hobby that has stayed with me since. I love making things as gifts and here are some of my favourites ... starting with a selection of things that I made for Christmas 2015 ...

I have been lucky enough to have had friends and family who have had babies over the last couple of years and these are ideal opportunities for gift making ...

As the babies grow to toddlers then I've hunted out new things to have a go at ... this matching pairs game I made for my nephew is a real favourite ...

... and he did go through a bit of a robot phase ...

It's not just babies and children though ... I have made a few random bits for grown up friends too ... including this tea cosy which is still in use today ...

... and this is the first go I had at a paper piecing pattern which I used to decorate a bag that I made for my Goddaughter ...
I didn't actually make that many hand made gifts, other than for babies, in 2020 ... so when my sister-in-law added a knitted headband to her Christmas list it was just the nudge I needed to start scouring Pinterest and get the crochet hook out ...

Sorry that I've took a bit of a ramble with this one and there are so many photos, but as I'm fairly new to the scavenger hunt I thought it might be a good opportunity to let you all know a little bit about me and what I get up to.

Next week's word is 'New' ... and I can guarantee that I won't have much to share with you at all, but I really hope that I can find something ... you never know, I might surprise myself πŸ˜€



  1. Gosh you have been and continue to be so busy with crafting. I like them all but especially love the fox and elephant picture.

    1. Thank you ... I do always find it very rewarding to make something from scratch ... that, gardening and cooking has kept me sane this year πŸ˜ƒ

  2. What a lovely selection of gifts! Thanks for sharing - and no, not too many photos in my opinion, I loved seeing them all.

    1. Thank you Ella ... I always seem to find it hard to choose just one photo πŸ˜ƒ

  3. You are SO creative! - such lovely gifts πŸ₯° thank you for joining in x

    1. Thank you Kate. I am really enjoying the challenge and it’s always good to have a prompt of an idea for a post πŸ˜ƒ

  4. What a lovely selection of hand made gifts. I love the cute knitted animal - is it a mouse? - and the bracelets are very pretty, my favourite is the bright blue/turquoise one :)

    1. Ah thank you ... the animal is a fox πŸ˜‚

  5. Another "Creative" person on my sidebar!!!! Such lovely gifts & the fact you've kept a sort of photo diary which is good. I'm sure you'll find something for next Friday. Thanks for sharing, take care, stay warm and safe.

    1. Thank you Susan ... so chuffed to be added to someone’s sidebar. I am starting to have some thoughts for next week ... must admit I’d got into my head that next week was moon ... so I’m ready for the week after πŸ˜‚

  6. Gosh, you have been prolific! I might pinch the pairs game for my granddaughter, great idea!

    1. Oh thank you ... the matching pair game went down very well but my nephew was very savvy and soon worked out he could see the edges of the fabric underneath and started cheating πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚. Need to be really careful that it doesn’t show πŸ˜ƒ

  7. Wow.Amazing creativity.I love them all.

    1. Thank you so much for dropping by and commenting. I must admit I would rather make one or two of lots of different things, than lots of the same ... this year there have been a lot of face coverings ... I am ready to try something new for 2021 πŸ˜ƒ


Thanks for taking time to comment on my blog. I love to hear what people think about what Martin and I have been up to.