Friday, 29 January 2021

Photo Scavenger Hunt :: January 2021 #4 My Own Choice

Hi there everyone πŸ˜€

It’s Friday again and time to join in with Kate's photo scavenger hunt over on I live, I love, I craft, I am me ... this week the photos are down to my own choice and I had no real idea of where I was going to go with this.

Then last Thursday we awoke to the sound of chain saws squealing and this what what we could see from our back door ...
An enormous conifer in one of the gardens across the back of the house was in the process of being removed by some very competent looking lumberjacks ... arboriculturalist just sounds too tame for what they were doing.

You can see how high they were compared to the chimney tops of the houses and the chap, I am assuming it was a chap, was just pretty much hauling himself up the trunk and lopping off the top ... These are the best of a selection of photos that I took with the zoon on the Panasonic Lumix ...

And this is, what I think was my favourite shot ...
It was fascinating to watch and kept us entertained for a fair while before we had to head off out.

So that's it for January's Photo Scavenger Hunt. A bit thank you to Kate for hosting. Can't wait to see what our challenges are for February πŸ˜€πŸ“·πŸ˜€πŸ“·πŸ˜€πŸ“·



  1. Men up trees are fascinating to watch. They often trim the popular trees near me and I can watch from my window

    Julie x

    1. I know exactly what you mean ... we couldn't tear ourselves away until all of the canopy had gone 😊

  2. Oh my!!!!!! Glad it wasn't me up there & I do think they have a lot of guts to do a job like that. Plenty of trees down here across Victoria due to extreme winds over the last few days. Take care, stay safe & hugs from down under.

  3. Great shots. I hope you didn't lose any privacy.

    1. Fortunately not ... though I do remember when the people across the bottom of our garden cut down all of their conifers. I remember standing on our patio and crying ... before heading to a local nursery and buying more trees to give us our privacy back. They are now fully grown and whilst I love the privacy, I wish I'd though about getting evergreens as picking up the leaves is a bit of a full time job πŸ˜‚

  4. Nice to see professionals at work. When our enormous Leyland were removed it was done by the landowner and a pal of his and was very hairy to watch. One tree even fell into our garden onto B's shed, damaging the roof and another just missed my greenhouse by inches!!

    1. Oh that does sound hairy ... luckily this one was a fair few gardens across, so didn't cause us any problems 😊

  5. I love watching tree trimming/felling; so fascinating to watch. I've done a bit myself over the years but I've not climbed up into the canopy and I'm too old to consider doing that! Amazing the pile of branches that accumulates on the ground afterwards!

    1. I know what you mean about the clearing up afterwards, it takes us ages when we've just a bit of gentle pruning 😊

  6. I am always impressed by the logistical technique of tree surgery - fascinating stuff! So glad you took photos :D

    1. Thank you Kate and thank you for commenting ... I still get a bit excited every time I see someone has made a comment 😊

  7. A great series of shots but I do like the last one best. I could never understand why these types of people call themselves 'tree surgeons' -basically they are just gardeners with chainsaws! lol :)

    1. I know what you mean ... I'm not sure he would have had the finesse for brain surgery ... very nimble though πŸ˜‚

  8. Great photos, but better him than me! We've had to have several trees taken down in our yard and it always entertained the boys when they were younger.
    Thanks so much for all your comments on my blog, I don't have your email to respond directly, but I do appreciate them all!

    1. It was very high, I don't think I would have fancied it either. I appreciate your comments too ... it's still always a bit exciting for me when I see a comment 😊


Thanks for taking time to comment on my blog. I love to hear what people think about what Martin and I have been up to.