Monday 4 January 2021

The Reading Corner :: December

Hi there everyone πŸ˜€

Welcome to my first post of 2021 and the last Reading Corner for 2020.

I did manage to read a little more during December ... not sure why ... just seemed to have the time and the inclination.

I started off with something a little bit different ...

The Forgotten Guide to Happiness
Sophie Jenkins

I just wasn’t quite in the mood for another Jack Reacher and fancied something a bit more light and frothy.

I’d kind of ordered this book by accident really... tagged on to a Christmas gift order I’d made from The Works. They were doing a deal on three books and this one must have got left in the basket as I ended up with four.

Anyway I was really looking forward to curling up with it for a nice easy read on a winter's afternoon and it was all that I was after. Not too taxing, a fairly simple plot and the requisite happy ending for this kind of book.

It was just the job ... I do love this kind of book ... I tend to call them ‘pink’ books. Even though this one is blue, it definitely falls into the pink book category for me ... a bit of light froth ... and that is not meant to be derogatory in any way what whatsoever ... sometimes they really hit the spot.

One shot
Lee child

Book nine in the Jack Reacher series and as ever it started off with a bang ... literally ... and though Jack was nowhere to be seen it wasn’t long before he became involved and set about his usual mission of digging under the blindingly obvious and finding out the real truth. Once again things were most definitely not as they seemed.

As usual Jack teemed up with a strong female lead but this time he didn’t end up in his usual situation but instead hooked up with a bit of a blast from the past for a quick one nighter.

The tale ended, as ever, with Jack managing a lift to the nearest rail or bus depot to catch his next ride out of town and no doubt onto another adventure.

The hard way
Lee child

Now this one was a bit of a last minute entry. I wasn't expecting to manage to fit another book in but picked this one up on a miserable afternoon and literally couldn't put it down. I finished in within 24 hours.

You've got to feel a bit sorry for poor old Jack Reacher ... just sat having an innocent coffee and just happening to witness something very significant indeed, only it seemed inconsequential at the time ... and there we are ... off again, within a couple of pages, on another adventure, which would seem pretty unlikely anywhere else but for Jack it’s just par for the course.

I really couldn't put this one down and it wasn't always obvious as to where the plot was leading, though, as usual, Jack could cut right through the noise and managed to spot what no one else even thought of.

It was a great read for my last one of the year and a series I will definitely be sticking with in 2021.

So how have I done on my reading challenge? At the beginning of the year I set out with the aim of reading two books a month, or a total of 24. With the year we've had and the time we've had to spend at home I would have thought it would have been an easy goal ... but not quite so ... though I did just about achieve it.

I actually ended up having read a total of 25 books, two of them cookbooks, so not really sure those count.  12 of the 25 were of Lee Child's Jack Reacher series, he has definitely become a favourite character for me. Having read the books and become acquainted with Jack, I'm not sure I'd be able to watch another film with Tom Cruise playing him though ... that just feels so, so wrong.

There were a few other old favourites in there too .. John Grisham, Wilbur Smith and Clive Cussler for adventure and Milly Johnson and Cecelia Aherne for something a little lighter, with a whole lot of strange thrown in from Phillip Pullman.

Shall I continue with this series of posts? I'm not sure ... though I do still have a good selection awaiting reading on the bookcase ... we shall see πŸ˜€



  1. Hi thanks for popping by my blog. You should definitely continue with your book reviews. That's how I come by most of what I read, via other bloggers. :)

    1. Thank you for reading and taking the time to comment. I do still have a big pile to read so will probably carry on with my updates ... thank you for the encouragement πŸ˜ƒ

  2. Although I'm new to your blog, I do find what people are reading interesting. I used to be an avid reader, but once DH retired everything seemed to change. Your choices all sound good & you have a few authors my DH likes in there too. He's re-reading a lot of his own because our libraries have been open very little because of the virus. Take care & stay safe.

    1. Thank you ... I have been very lucky in finding a new author that I like that a friend has a huge stock of so it’s been like having my own private library ... it is nice to have a change though. I must admit, based on the year we’ve had, I have been surprised at how little I’ve felt like reading πŸ˜ƒ


Thanks for taking time to comment on my blog. I love to hear what people think about what Martin and I have been up to.