Friday 13 August 2021

Photo Scavenger Hunt :: August #2 ... Starts with an 'S'

Hi there everyone πŸ˜€

Astrid has set us an interesting one this week for the photo scavenger hunt and it had me scratching my head for a bit. The theme for this week is ... Starts with an 'S'. 

I took a bit of a stroll through the photo files on my PC for inspiration and was going to opt for National Trust places that we've visited beginning with 'S' … but then I remembered the field of sunflowers we spotted on the way back from our day out with mum and Bobby last week ... the light wasn't great so the pictures aren't the best, but it was a fabulous sight ...

We may just have sneaked Bobby through the gap in the fence ... 

Having decided to go with the theme of sunflowers I had another bit of a trawl of the archive to see what else I could find ...

This is one of my favourite photos from the weekend we spent with friends in Bridgnorth a number of years ago. We had a good walk around the town and found a lovely garden, with a community allotment full of all sorts of interesting things ...
These were bought for me by my old friend Lesley, when the Sutherlands visited for an afternoon tea ...

We spotted these on a visit to Melbourne Hall a few years ago ...
... and funnily enough I had these come up as a memory on Facebook this week ...
... taken on a day out to Canons Ashby with these lovely ladies ...
As for our garden ... well, we don't normally grow sunflowers, though we have tried a few from seed this year. No flowers yet but they are very tall ... 

I am thinking the only way we will get to see the flowers is either on a step ladder or from the landing window. I promise to share some photos when they finally come into flower 🌻🌻🌻



  1. What a lovely lot of cheerful sunflower faces, including your three friends with their sunny expressions. Be interesting to see how tall your own flowers grow. 🌻🌻🌻 x

    1. Having seen how high Lovely Lady’s grew I am getting a bit concerned. I jus hope they don’t blow over in the wind as they already have our tallest possible supports 🌻🌻🌻

  2. What a lovely set of photos. I do love sunflowers. I've bought seeds to grow next year but short ones. Not sure I can support tall ones here! Fingers crossed your tall ones don't blow over. Have fun.


    1. We don’t normally grow them but had some free seeds so did have a go. These are the strongest looking two. We will be devastated if they blow over … but then that’s gardening for you πŸ˜ƒ

  3. What a lovely collection of sunflower photos! I stopped growing them at home once the boys stopped being interested but I do them at work as part of a civic competition. We measured our tallest at just under 8 foot and it had not fully formed a flower head yet - wonder how big it is now? Will measure when I am back on Wednesday :D

    1. Ours look like the flower heads are just steadying to appear 🌻🌻🌻

  4. Oooh, I love all those sunflowers, they are all so happy! Sadly the ones in the field near us are not so happy anymore, so sad to see them go. Thanks for sharing all of those beautiful photos of them.

    1. We drove past the local field again on yesterday and they were looking very droopy … the ones in our garden still have no flower heads, though it looks like they won’t be long … we need some sunshine πŸ˜ƒ


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