Monday 2 August 2021

A Week in The Yorkshire Dales #6 :: Bainbridge Falls and over the top to Muker

Hi there everyone πŸ˜€

We are back in The Yorkshire Dales today for my last but one post from our week's break, staying in Askrigg, back in May.

It was Thursday, and the last full day of our holiday. We got up to glorious sunshine ...
... and it was breakfast with a view ...

... before starting out with a very short drive to Bainbridge for our waterfall fix for the day ... it had become a bit of a thing and we didn't want to go a full day without seeing any waterfalls at all ...

It was also the day when I finally managed to capture the cow parsley, which we'd been admiring all week, but had never managed to find a spot to stop and take a photo ... Sadly it had gone a bit dull so I haven't managed to capture it at its best but I think it will remind me of how beautiful it looked ... just long rows of frothy loveliness lining the narrow lanes ...
So that's waterfall ... tick, cow parsley ... tick. What next? Well, we opted for another drive up over the hills into Muker, where there was a little craft shop I wanted to have a look at ...

It was a lovely drive and, as ever, there were plenty of pretty little spots worthy of a pull in ...

Whilst driving we'd noticed lots of signs warning of ground nesting birds so our next objective was to try and spot some. No sooner said than done ...
Once we'd spotted one they seemed to be everywhere ...
You could hear the chicks chirruping and when looking really closely we saw loads of them just hopping and bouncing over the heather ... much more difficult to catch for a photo opportunity though and this sad effort is the best I could do ...

If you look really closely you may just about make one out in the middle of the shot.

Finally we found ourselves in Muker and opted for a lunch of some serious doorstep sandwiches from the local shop ... which we ate sat on a bench in the sunshine ...
I found a nice wool felted picture of sheep on the hills in the craft shop, which will be a great memento from a lovely holiday, before heading back over Buttertubs and back to Askrigg for another great view from the garden ... which Martin did his best to capture ...



  1. Lovely photos Carol - real mixed bag of weather - well that's what you get up here all of the time :D

    1. We did end up getting pretty lucky. We were forecast lots of rain but seemed to manage to avoid it. It really is the most beautiful place to explore πŸ˜€

  2. Oh my, just awesome............and to think we may never be able to set off on international travel again. Thanks so much for these holiday photos & posts, bringing back so many memories of our wonderful times holidaying in Yorkshire. Is that an Archimedes screw beside the river? Take care & hugs.

    1. Hopefully eventually things will settle soon and you will be able to get out and about again. You really can’t beat Yorkshire can you … it’s got everything … from coast to countryside. I think it probably is an Archimedes screw …there was no information close by but it was fascinating … a bit more industrial than the other waterfalls we visited πŸ˜€

  3. Beautiful. Glad you got to Muker. We camped there in 2014 when the Tour de France actually started in Yorkshire. X

    1. We loved the drive up and over the top … the views were fabulous πŸ˜€


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