Sunday, 2 February 2014

My Last Week

I had a top last week at work.  I started out on Monday with my last visit to the Area Office in Hinckley, where I have been based for more years than I can remember.  I'd already had a clear-out of 30 years worth of 'stuff' over Christmas, so there wasn't too much to do.

I got to see John and Caroline which was lovely and I visited Tina at home to hand in my keys, as she was off for the day.  I got to meet Maddie (her new puppy), so gorgeous, before heading off down The Fosse to Swindon for one last time.

I managed to catch up with loads of old friends whilst in Swindon, people I'd not seen for years.  I squeezed in a last visit to the Rendezvous for all you can eat Chinese with Charlotte, Catherine, Lucy and Helen, lovely.  Big thanks to the girlies for the bracelet, I love it, and the chat about cashback sites, selling stuff on e-Bay and looking for bargains.

On my last day, I was spoiled rotten, with cards and gifts and bets as to what time the tears would come.  I think I did quite well. We managed a last visit to Fratello's for pizza, for my leaving lunch.  Mmmmmmmmm pizza, my fave.

I am so pleased I managed to catch up with so many people this week, and I've been overwhelmed by how lovely everyone has been.  Whilst I am really excited about the future it was sad saying good bye to lots of friends.

I have been committed to blogging, as having mentioned it as a bit of a random idea, the team have set me up a 'domain' (I think that's what you call it anyway) and I guess it would be incredibly rude not to deliver.

A massive thank you to all my work friends and colleagues for all your gifts, kind words and good wishes.  I will miss you all loads.

One of my post work objectives was to learn how to use our new digital SLR camera, the Canon EOS 700D.  Martin and I spent 2 hours in the kitchen having our first real play with the camera and the tripod to take pictures of my leaving gifts.  I hope you like them.  I have also managed to find a Website that allows you to build collages, really easily.  It's called PicMonkey and I would most definitely recommend it.  There are loads of YouTube clips showing you how to get started.


  1. Wow!! What a great start to your new project.'s brilliant matey :)) Cant wait to follow your journey. ....keep it coming!!!

  2. I love this! Miss you already Xx

  3. Cameras...strange really people mostly fall into one of two SLR camps, the Canon or Nikon. I'm a Nikon man myself but there we go.
    Another thing for your to do list maybe, plot the family tree! That can take you interesting places while pottering!


Thanks for taking time to comment on my blog. I love to hear what people think about what Martin and I have been up to.