Monday, 24 February 2014

Mustardy Sausages with Apple

I'm always collecting recipes from magazines and I have tried to keep them organised, so they are easy to find.  I have a ring binder full of recipes I have collected, all stuck on white A4 paper, in plastic wallets (wipeable!). They are all categorised into sections, just like in a real cookbook ........ I know, a bit of OCD creeping in! 
It amazes me that we keep finding new things to try out and this is one that we had been meaning to try for ages.  We had a second go at it this weekend, camera at the ready, so we could share the results with you all.
Serves 4
Preparation time: 25 minutes
1 tbsp vegetable oil
8 sausages (we always use Lincolnshire)
1 medium onion, sliced
1 apple, cut into medium sized pieces
As many mushrooms as you fancy, cut into medium sized chunks
1 rounded tbsp redcurrant jelly
300ml chicken stock
1 tbsp grainy mustard
Rosemary sprigs (from the garden)
Cornflour for thickening if required

2 tbsps double cream stirred in at the end just before serving is not mandatory but does really give this dish a lovely creamy consistency and turns an already nice dish into something quite decadent.
  1.  Grill sausages and cut into chunks
  2. Heat the oil and fry the onion until it starts to go golden brown
  3. Add the sausages, mushrooms and apple to the pan, toss together and continue to fry for about 5 minutes, until the mushrooms are cooked
  4. Add the stock, redcurrant jelly and mustard to the pan and let bubble madly for a few minutes to make a syrupy gravy
  5. Lower the heat, add the rosemary and simmer, uncovered, for 10 minutes
  6. If the sauce needs to be thickened, mix 2 teaspoons of cornflower with a couple of tablespoons of water and add to the pan, bringing back to the boil
  7. If using double cream, bring the pan off the boil and stir this in now

This is a great dish as you can make it up earlier in the day and then just re-heat when ready to serve. Don't you just love it when the clearing up is pretty much done before you sit down to eat?   We served this in individual Yorkie Puds, with carrots.  
We were hoping to be able to share the recipe for perfect Yorkie Puds with you today, but unfortunately they didn't turn out to be that perfect, so you will have to wait for another day to see that one!

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