Monday, 17 February 2014

Madly Missing my Mazda!

What am I missing most in my new post work life of pottering?  Honestly?  As of  this week it is my company car.  For the last three years I have been driving a Mazda 3 Sportnav.

What am I driving now?  A V reg vauxhall Astra - one day a week!!

The Old Girl!!
I love my husband Martin dearly and one of the things we agreed when I gave up work was that I would be able to have the use of his car for one day a week if I needed it.  He has looked after it really well with not even a minor bump or scrape.
It was a bit embarrassing putting me on the insurance.  I had a letter from our car lease company confirming my accident history.  It didn't read well, and that was without the car park scrapes and bumps that the car was sent back with. 

It's a good job the guy collected it in the dark.  But Martin went ahead anyway and added me on, bless him.
I went out on my first sole foray last week, over to Rugeley for a Governors meeting.
Actually it was a very nice drive, for an old girl, and she did hold the road really well, though 30 felt about 60 and 60 felt about 80.  She most definitely got me from A to B and back again
There were things I missed though - top 10, in no particular order, as follows:
  1. Blue tooth phone connection
  2. Steering wheel controls for radio
  3. Integral sat nav
  4. Electric adjustable wing mirrors
  5. Central arm rest
  6. Air conditioning
  7. Keyless access
  8. Push button start
  9. Heated seats
  10. 6th gear
Martin is missing the Mazda too.  He said he most misses the power and the improved technology. Funny how differently boys and girls look at these things.
It's got a sun roof though!!  Not sure how useful that will be this year, with all the rain were having.

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